Millennium Park Originally uploaded by
vwvortexer ssullivan has already mentioned it, but since I have pictures, I figured I might as well reiterate--Steven and I had an absolutely wonderful time in Chicago. Sure, we argued a little about when we first started chatting (I was right about that) and something he said (I'm right about that, too), but mostly we just hung out and had all sorts of fun.
Most of the time was spent wandering around the less touristy parts of the city, so that Steven could get a sense of the neighborhoods. The weather was good for it--light snow and mid-30s until it turned cold on Sunday, down to -24 with the wind chill. We also managed to catch up with my friends Wes and
crazyreesie, plus my friend
dancingdragon74 and his boyfriend, the Notorious T.I.M., who I liked very much.
Steven's really ready to move to Chicago, and frankly, so am I. I've grown weary of Atlanta's traffic and dependency on the car, its lack of cultural venues, its mediocre club scene, and the fact that, generally speaking and counter to stereotypes, Southerners by and large are a fairly rude lot. Chicagoans aren't generally as friendly as New Yorkers, or as laid back as the people of Los Angeles, but they're better on both counts than the bulk of folks I've met around here.
Unfortunately, it's not sure when that move might happen. I have a second job interview on Friday with AutoTrader, and if it turns into an offer, I'd be highly inclined to take it, since it's a good position with good money, and it'd be the first time in a long time that I did something smart for my career. As much as I dread spending another two years here, it might be the salient thing do.
Of course, who knows--the job might not come through and I might still be at my current place of employment come August, when Steven's lease is up. In that scenario, all bets are off.