one of my few political/religious type posts ignore if you wish

Apr 22, 2007 19:27

U.S. House set to vote on H.R. 984
Contact your representative today!

Update on H.R. 984

American Family Association sent an alert regarding a lobbying reform bill - H.R. 984 - that the House of Representatives may take up in the near future. We had been led to believe that that the House bill contained the same provision as the earlier Senate bill which would severely limit the free speech rights of organizations like ours that communicate with the public about legislation pending on Capitol Hill. We were wrong. The House bill does not currently have the provision but we have been told now that the liberals will try to include it in the House bill. 
Take Action

1. Enter you zip code above or below and click “GO” to create and send an e-mail to your representative now!

2. Call your representative at 202-224-3121. Tell them that while you support lobbying reform, you oppose efforts to silence grassroots communications.
3. Please forward this to your friends and family. It is vitally important that they know what members of the House are trying to do.

4. Print this information, and share it with members in your Sunday School class and church and urge them to send an e-mail and call.

Thanks for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small donation to help us continue? Thanks.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Grassroots Gag Order
Bill # H.R.984

Original Sponsor:
Henry Waxman (D-CA 30th)

Cosponsor Total: 19
(last sponsor added 03/09/2007)
  17 Democrats
  2 Republicans

About This Legislation:

The bill would silence organizations like American Family Association in needless paperwork and burdensome reporting requirements any time it communicates to constituents on public policy issues that are before Congress, with the threat of severe fines and criminal penalties.

Detailed, up-to-date bill status information on H.R.984.

Video shows activity which would be protected under new “hate crimes” law
If you protest the kind of public activity shown on this video, you could be charged with a criminal act
A new “hate crimes” bill protecting homosexual activity has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act would protect the kind of activity shown on this video.
The bill is design to silence any opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. This video will show you the kind of activity this bill would protect. The video was shot during an actual homosexual pride parade in Dallas.

Warning! The video is highly offensive, but it is real footage from the actual parade. Click here to view the video.

If this “hate crimes” bill is passed, and you publicly protest, complain or oppose the type of activity in this video, you could be subject to prosecution for a criminal act.

To stop this bill, which would give special rights to homosexuals, please take these actions today.

Take Action

  1. Enter your zip code and click “GO” to create and send an email to your representative asking him or her to strongly oppose the “hate crimes” bill.

  2. Please forward this email to friends and family. The average person has no clue about this “hate crimes” bill. The only way we have of getting the word out is with the help of individuals like you.

Thanks for caring enough to get involved. If you consider our efforts worthy, would you support us with a small donation to help us continue? Thanks.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

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