Poem without a Title

Apr 28, 2007 21:49

I sit here crying on this dark night,
My soul trying to stay in this fight.
I feel like I've been left and forgotten,
As an old apple left to rotten.
If I died tomorrow would anyone care?
Would you think about me and say a small prayer?
The friends I have seem to be so far away,
And I think about and miss them every single day.
I miss them, do they miss me?
When they think of me what do they see?
Do they see a friend, who they can trust?
Or do they think of me in disgust?
But still I live for them and am always here,
To comfort them and to wipe away a tear.
My soul continues to fight this pain,
Whether it be in love or in vain.
If you love me and want me to know,
All you have to do is tell me so.
If you wish for me to be gone from your life,
Than tell me and I promise not to cause you any more strife.
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