I need to find something better to do...
1. Vacation: Europe
2. Age: 16
3. Memory: I have lots of wonderful memories. Some of the best though are conversations and times spent with friends.
4. Time of day: Right before I go to bed if I get a chance to read a few pages of a novel.
5. Class: My TA period, lol...or if I have to pick a real one, Lit Arts or Chem.
1. Time of day: When I wake up
2. Day of the week: Thursday
3. Food: Mayo or Banananananananananas - gross!
4. Memory: Well, there's one I don't really want to talk about, but the next worse was having back surgery
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: I've only had one, so I guess he's both??? Lol.
1. Person u saw: My sister
2. Talked on the phone with: Gillian
3. Hugged: My dog
4. Messeged: On the phone? Um, Kim...
5: IMed: Geoff, David, Megan and Rose all at the same time
1. Kiss: When I was 3 with a boy from my daycare, lol. We were pretending that we were getting married, haha.
2. Serious bf or gf: Uh, Geoff...only bf
3. Pet: Peaches the Peekapoo (Also remembered as the psychotic demon dog)
4. First school: Hazel Dell Montessori
5. Job: Babysitting for my neighbor
1. What are you doing now: Um, this, and reading A Million Little Pieces
2. Tonight: Reading and hanging out and celebrating about finishing my lit analysis paper
4. what did you eat for lunch: I don't think I ate lunch...
5: Better than yesterday: Not really...less driving, but not besides that
1. Is: Ugh, Monday
2. Got any plans: Go to school, then jazz band, then home
3. Goal: Study for Chem and finish my lit arts homework during lunch/advo
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Well...it's monday for a start, and we have a quiz in gov.
5. Do you have work: Nope, besides homework.
1. Number: ocho
2: Song: The Scientist - Coldplay
3. Color: Red
4. Season: Autumn
5. State: Washington
6. Hobby: Reading/Writing/Soccer
7. CD: A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay
8. City: Seattle or Portland
9. Person from History: I have no idea
10.Actor/Actress: Tom Hanks
1. Are you in love?: Yes
2. Dating someone: Yes
3. Missing someone: Yes
4. Mood: Tired, but relatively content
5. Wanting: To write something decent
6. Dreading: Senior year
7. Scared of: Change
8. Are you happy with yourself?: Um, with certain things and not with other things
9. Do you want to be where you are?: Not particularly, no
10.What book are you reading?: A Million Little Pieces and Everything is Illuminated