You needed me to call you if I ever couldn't keep it all together. You'd comfort me.
So we had BBQ at The state's sisters house. Man is she anal retentive. [The sister, not the state] Gives the boy's sister a run for the money. Coworker his g/f, my brother his g/f and my high school sweetheart joined us.
I wish I could say I had fun, but nope. Talk about a negative vibe from the onset. Just ridiculous and I slaved over the charcoal grill and only ONE person thanked me for providing the food AND cooking it. I even made potato salad. H.S. and I ditched out early to talk.
There's two hours of turmoil. She is in a position where she is gonna have to chose between her autistic son's development and her mother's mental helth. How the fuck do you measure that and make a choice. We went down avenue's heartache and indecision. She told me that last year she had gone to a therapist to help and that they couldn't get through. She would just smile and they would take her at face value. I won't do that or let her get away with that. She said it's one of the things she values most about me. That I know her well enough to call her on not knowing, to force her to look inside herself on the tough questions.
The dates this weekend were different as could be.
Friday night was with the chef. We were headed to a California Cuisine restaurant in the tourist part of town. It's about 45 minutes from me and 20 from her, but we will call it the mid point cause it kinda is. However, the restaurant I wanted to take her to was destroyed by the hurricane, so we went to Friday's. The House of Blues for a drink at the outside bar. Headed to the ugly bar cause we both had friends going and hung out there. Then went with her friend's the most god awful after party. Stayed there for a little while. The only nice thing about that portion was her standing in front of me and my arms wrapped around her. God I get off on things like that.
Saturday night the hairdresser came over for dinner. The gang was all there, we played poker talked/drank. Coach pulled her regular bullshit about really not liking me and putting the boy in the middle. And right in front of the new girl busted out with giving me shit about my one night stand. The hairdresser didn't leave to 7 a.m because we were talking that late. Barely even kissed her, but she is all about seeing me again. I don't know, she hasn't been with a girl before and I don't know if I should be the gateway to lesboworld.
Then to top it all off, I come in to do classroom setup and one of the agents for the insurance company that rents in our building [and the boss of my best friend, cause she finally got a job!!!] is talking to me about tattoo's and then when I walk out asks 10 if I am gay. 10 nods, cause duh, it's obvious and the lady say she wants to set me up with her daughter. Coast guard, greek, mid/late-20', cute by 10's standards, and independent. Lives out my the coast. Yeah, never been setup by someone's mom before, this is new.