App, sirenspull

Sep 12, 2010 20:53

Player Information

Name: Cat
Age: Old enough
AIM SN: LadyFoxstone
email: catrood(AT)gmail(dot)com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? I’m here!

Character Information

Canon Source: Mercy Thompson Books
Canon Format: Books
Character's Name: Mercedes Athena Thompson (aka Mercy)
Character's Age: 30s
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A

What form will your character's NV take? Just a regular IPhone.

Character's Canon Abilities: Mercy is a skinwalker. She can change, at will, into a coyote with buckshot scars on her rear. Even in her human form, however, she has enhanced hearing, night sight and sense of smell. She also has superhuman speed; about the same amount as a regular everyday coyote.

As a coyote, her senses are even more heightened. Her nightsight is perfect, and she has the same senses as a coyote.

Mercy is resistant to magic. Canonly, this includes vampire abilities, werewolf magic (what little there is) and some fae magic.

She’s a damned good VW mechanic. She can work on American made vehicles, but she prefers working on German cars, including VWs, BMWs and several others.

I’m adding this to abilities, because it makes sense: Mercy knows how vampire seethes and werewolf packs in her world work. She was raised by the Marrok (uberAlphaWerewolf) and has lived for years around a pack, near a vampire seethe. She also knows the rules for dealing with some of the fae. She can also smell magic.

Mercy can see ghosts, and even control them to a very small extent. She can force them to answer her questions, and even break the bonds that hold them to earth - though that tires her extremely.

She’s a brown belt in karate (Shi Sei Kai Kan) as well.

Mercy was also taught how to hunt. She can shoot, hunt, and skin animals as needed.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A

Weapons: In coyote form: speed, teeth and claws.

In human form: Karate (brown belt), walking stick from the fae - she doesn’t know what it does, really, but she knows enough to NEVER use the stupid thing, even though it keeps showing up. Legends say that it’s a staff that can make her sheep have twins. Of course, fae blessings come with a price. It has been used as a spear to kill a vampire.

The legend she found about the walking stick is as follows: It was given to a farmer who asked for help from the fae. While he possessed the stick, all of his sheep had twins. Then, one day he was crossing a bridge over a small stream and he lost his grip on the stick. It disappeared into the water. That afternoon a flood came and drowned all his sheep.

Mercy doesn't use the stick for anything at all.


Character History: Mercedes was born to a teenage mother and a Blackfoot Indian rodeo rider - who died three days after meeting her mother, leaving her unknowingly pregnant. At a few months of age, her mother found a small coyote pup in Mercy’s crib. Panicked, her mother took her to the Marrok. The Marrok - Alpha of all Alpha werewolves in North America - took in Mercy, and raised her as one of the pack, even though she wasn’t really.

While living with the Marrok, she lived about as normal a life as could be asked. She fell in love stupidly with one of the Marrok’s sons, and wrecked the Marrok’s Porsche at age 16.

Then, she moved back home with her mother, her stepfather and two younger half-sisters.

She stayed with them only long enough to graduate high school, when she went to university. She majored in History and graduated with a degree in it.

She moved to the Three Cities, looking for a teaching job. Refusing to go home when that fell through, she went looking for another job. She’d spent a summer as a mechanic’s assistant and found a garage that was being minded by a nine year old boy.

Mercy helped him out, and then when his father came back, she got hired. Zee - the father’s name is really Siebold Adelbertsmiter - is a fae known as a gremlin (Metallzauber) that can work with metal. He eventually retired and is selling her the shop.

She moved into a shabby trailer on about three acres of land, right behind the house of the local werewolf pack’s Alpha. They began a tempestuous relationship that she had a tendency to needle him. Especially with the broken down Rabbit she kept in her back yard that randomly sprouted graffiti, potted plants and sometimes lost more parts, depending on how annoyed with him she was.

Mercy also made friends with a local vampire, and through him got embroiled in politics with the local vampire seethe. They don’t like her, and she has a tendency to forget that they’re actually vampires, no matter how often she’s reminded. She does car repairs in exchange for them not wrecking her garage.

She’s fought witches, vampires, a demon-controlled vampire, not to mention dealing with several types of fae and managed to come out on top. Doesn’t mean she hasn’t been hurt - she’s been raped, beaten and held prisoner - but she has a tendency to get out of situations. Always with the help of friends.

Recently, she was bonded to her vampire friend, Stefan, to help her break a bond with another vampire that did it against her will. The bond was broken rather easily, by Adam, the werewolf Alpha that she’s begun dating.

However, she also has a bond with Adam Hauptmann - the Alpha - and with his pack of werewolves. It’s intermittent and unsure, but it’s there and it means she can call the pack to her, when the bond works. Mercy tends to not remember it’s there.

Point in Canon: Right after the events of Bone Crossed

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: Mercy is stubborn, headstrong, caring, thoughtful and hardworking. She has a tendency to stand on her own, even when she doesn’t need to. She also hates being dictated to. As a coyote, she’s independent by nature, which tends to get her into trouble as a human.

She’s faithful to her friends, and will do just about anything - including defying the local vampire seethe’s mistress, defying the Grey Lords (those that rule the fae), and hiding a werewolf in her house (much to the annoyance of the local Alpha) - to keep them safe, or get them out of trouble.

Zee, her former boss, sold her the garage and Mercy works herself into the ground to pay it back. She works six days a week - not counting whatever trouble she gets into - and enjoys working that often. She employs the same dedication to her martial arts.

She’ll do things for free for those that need it, but also understands pride. She’s rather intuitive to the needs of other people, especially when they have to come to her for help. She has no problem bartering her skills for the help of someone else.

Mercy is the very definition of the modern woman, who is stuck in the eighteenth century and knows it.

She’s fiercely independent to the point of being pigheaded and refusing the helping hand of a friend even when she really, really knows that she needs it. Mercy sometimes gets stuck in an internal battle with needing to be independent, but not drive away all the men in her life that want to help her.

Her stubbornness has seen her through more scrapes than she’d care to admit, and also gotten her into more trouble than she’ll ever cop to. She doesn’t mind standing her ground for a friend, and has a hard time balancing that with how she needs to act so as not to annoy the local supernatural community to the point that they drive her out.

Mercy is also endlessly adaptable. When a teaching job fell through, she became a mechanic. When her boss there wanted to sell the shop, she bought it from him. Because of this, she often thinks herself sometimes more coyote than human.

She cannot let something sit when it appears to be bothering a friend. Even if she just offers cookies and brownies, as well as bad movies, she has to do something to help them out. Because of her time with werewolves, she actually thinks of it as pack mentality, even though coyotes are far more solitary.

Mercy is a bootstraps kinda girl. She doesn’t ask for helping hands, or hand outs. She puts her nose to the grindstone and will do just about anything to stand on her own feet and not be a burden to anyone, including family.

Despite all this, Mercy can, and will, corral her own personality, and her own wants/desires if the situation calls for someone else to step forward. She knows how to hang back and let someone else shine, no matter who did what. She understands that most of the time, she cannot stand at the forefront - figuratively, at least - and instead must simply leave it all in someone else’s hands. That doesn’t mean she finds it easy.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A

Character Plans: My plans are to settle Mercy in to SP and then have her run around with the local werewolves maybe. She has a tendency to fall in with them. She’s going to find a job as either a teacher, or as a mechanic. Then, she’ll start getting angry when she can’t get home and start looking for the fae and/or vampires that are behind these shenanigans.

Appearance/PB: Mercy Thompson is half-blood Blackfoot Indian. She’s dark-skinned, with straight black hair and brown eyes. She’s wiry and muscled from both karate and working in a garage.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[A soft whine and the snuffling of a coyote as her nose pitched over the phone. Then, there’s a soft shift and hands pick up the phone.]

Adam? Warren? [A soft whisper of feet against grass] Where… I don’t know where I am.

[A punching of keys on the phone.] C’mon, c’mon. Zee? Pick up the phone. Marsilia if this is your idea of a joke, I’m not real impressed. This can’t be the work of the Grey Lords, they wouldn’t bother, they’d just have me murdered… right?

[More keys on the phone being punched.] You know, still being bonded to Stefan would be nice right about now. Wait… [a momentary pause] Adam? Dammit! Why can’t this one time the magic work right for me?

Does anyone know how far from the Tri-Cities I am?

Third Person Sample

The monsters had come out. Mercy Thompson was well versed in monsters. Her boss was fae, her boyfriend was a werewolf Alpha, and one of her friends was a vampire - for whom she fixed an old VW van that was painted like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo.

But she’d never encountered anything like these things. Even when she’d accidentally stepped Underhill on the fae reservation, she hadn’t run into things like this.

Right about now, she’d take the giant snow elf that had dropped part of a building on Adam’s SUV to these things. Mercy slid through the shadows, mostly ignored by the things that stalked the streets.

It was sad when she missed the vampires. At least they only wanted to kill her.

Her nose picked up the scent of ripe garbage up ahead. That marked her turn back to the apartment she’d managed to get. But something wasn’t right…

The thing that stepped out of the alley made her slink back, pinning her ears back and tucking her tail under her belly. She managed not to whine, barely. The thing - dripping some sort of foul smelling mucus - lunged at her. Her speed came in handy as she whipped around and began tearing down the street, the thing fast on her heels.

Mercy flattened herself down and slid under a chainlink fence, running for her apartment.

She could hear the thing’s breathing, but not its heartbeat. That made her really miss the vampires.

Mercy felt a nail drag and crack as she whipped around a corner. She slid into the shadows and found her key right where she’d left it. A quick shape shift and she was able to put the key in the lock. “Come on. Turn…” The key clicked and she ripped open the door, ignoring her nudity and jumped inside, slamming the door shut behind her.

Naked, she leaned against the door and panted. Mercy caught her neighbor staring at her and she smiled. “Really wicked party.” She said, heading for her apartment.

ooc: app

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