Holiday tidbits

Dec 25, 2004 19:50

The occupants of one of the houses down the block, in addition to having strung lights over every bit of their house imaginable, have also put up what appear to be electric bells. That is, there's a string of bells of varying tones that go "ding" at random intervals, and from what I can tell are attached to a cord and controlled by some sort of electric device. Modern technology--or to be more precise, the uses to which modern technology is put--will never cease to amaze me.

Then again, less modern technology can be put to some interesting uses too. Today I walked by a house in Berkeley from which I could hear someone pounding out on a piano the opening chords to "Smoke on the Water." It's good to know some people outside of my own little bubble aren't entirely suffused with holiday schmaltz.

(Not to knock the holidays, but it's been years since I had any bloody reason to enjoy them. Except for the time off school, of course--and all the pretty lights everywhere. I do like those. Even if I think the motorized bells are a bit much.)

silliness, 2004.12

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