Half-dreamt silliness

May 10, 2004 14:52

It just occurred to me that I might as well share this: a few nights ago, as I was falling asleep (in that fitful state before I truly fall asleep), I had a vague half-dream of which all I can remember is that someone said, to the best of my recollection, "Laundry elves poison everything."

There are so many interesting places one could take that. It's got much more almost-coherence to it than a similarly dreamt phrase I can remember from years ago, something about a "cloud-devil of searing toothpaste." I mean, I can't even begin to picture what that would be, but the statement about laundry elves just sounds so profound. Like an important life lesson or something...if only one could figure out how to interpret it.

2004.05, dream

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