And I update once more.
A few things have happened this summer. My exams went pretty well. Got a B on my main project and a C in the written exam that I studied 3 hours for the very morning I had it. Can't complain on that... hehe. I gotta take school a little more seriously now though, this will be my last year after all and a master's thesis is cinda important.
Been playing some Exalted during the summer, and things are really turning epic. My character has in just two sessions paid a visit to Malfeas, made a pact with Cecelyne, and is now currently under arrest in Yu-Shan, scheduled for execution. Fun stuff... Also,
LoupGarou drew a picture of my character:
And I must say I'm mighty pleased =D
Another drawing of my character is on the way and one of just the sword. I'll post them once they're done.
And I've built myself a new computer. Quite a beast it is too... An AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor and a GeForce 7800GTX graphics card are a few of the goodies inside it. I'll post some pictures of it later. It scored 8156 points in 3DMark05 and 15995 points in 3DMark03. Only problem with it is that it refuses to play WoW in a crowded area. The server disconnects me all the time. Betting it's a driver conflict, but I haven't quite figured it out yet.
Slowly getting in shape as well. I lost 10 kilos during my training last semester, and I've been doing a 6km-ish walk in the woods nearly every day all summer to keep it there. The plan for the coming semester is to drop another 10 kilos and build up some upper body strength. All in all, life's turning out for the better atm =)