
Oct 26, 2010 14:09


Player Name: Doc
Age: 19
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal: scarebro
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: doctornolicense (AIM)
Email: ornithophobic(at)gmail(dot)com
Current Characters: up until probably very recently, scarecrow caw cawe
Activity Checks: i... probably won't need this but jon is exempt from ACs anyway


Name: Eridan Ampora, caligulasAquarium, ORPHANER DUALSCAR
Age: 6 solar sweeps (or approximately 13 in human years.)
Gender: Male
Fandom: Homestuck
Timeline: As up-to-date with the information we've been given in canon (before the Kids' Reckoning, but after The Rift in the Troll's game session.)  Also after Rose blows his computer up because he was hitting on her.
History: wiki wiki woo

Character Personality:
In short, Eridan's style can be boiled down to hipsters and supervillains. Fashion sense notwithstanding, the majority of his "personality" is an adopted act in order to put an impression across (hurr durr hipster) -- that impression being one of badassery and all-around superiority (SUPERVILLAIN!) But, like any good supervillain his true personality is built upon layers and layers of masks, each more vulnerable than the one before it. Beneath these thick-rimmed non-prescription glasses lay the eyes of a tortured, tragic soul. Well not really, but certainly a rather (FOREVER) lonely soul at least.

Oftentimes a troll is defined by his variety of interests and Eridan is no exception. Sweeps of reading and hearing tales of the most illustrious troll conquerors and military leaders have given Eridan a flair for the dramatic and an ego to match his blood status.  Modelling himself after these historical figures with their stories of victory and conquest, intrigue and romance, he's sort of cultivated an alter ego for himself -- and the fondness for extreme LARPing he shares with many trolls his age and a powerful genocide complex only fuel these theatrics.  The Eridan that people see is aloof, self-superior, and... Kind of a massive tool.  As a member of the sea-dwelling troll aristocracy, with some of the richest blood in the species, this Eridan has made it his mission to exterminate all the lower-caste land dwellers through any and all means possible.  Needless to say, this doesn't really improve other people's opinions of him -- especially not when he starts using his perceived superiority to justify some of the crap he does.

All of this, however, is merely a meticulously crafted image and all of the conflict his inflammatory positions cause is just what he wants.  His exaggerated emotional reactions, in his mind, are a fitting tribute to the romantic sagas he's so infatuated with. In truth, there isn't much substance beneath that outer veneer -- it's very likely that he doesn't actually aspire to kill all land dwellers (one possible reason why none of his villainous doomsday plots never work) and it's, uh, somewhat likely that he can actually be a pretty decent young troll when he's not ensconced in his histrionics. The fact of the matter is that this persona that he's spun for himself is holding him back in the social department more than anything: his over-enthusiastic approaches to courtship more alienate than seduce potential matesprits or kismeses. Moreover, he doesn't so much solicit people that show promising compatibility as fling himself at anyone that moves. Constant rejection has made him quite decidedly desperate and, emotional theatricality standing, only that much more flamboyant and obvious in his advances. It is really a vicious cycle.

So although sometimes you'll have this cocksure, foul-mouthed douchebag secret wizard-loving sea troll, during (increasingly) frequent moments of insecurity and bouts of sometimes-affected depression, that disguise may slip and you'll catch a glimpse of the dependent, needy, clingy Eridan that really only just wants some friends and probably a matesprit or kismesis to shack up with so that he doesn't get killed off for not being able to get any action. What salvageable relationships he does have, he holds on to for dear life (because, for most of his life, life really was what was at stake). What potential relationships he sees, he pursues with an off-putting aggression and hopefulness: incessantly alienating people trying to get them to hate him so that he may sway them into kismesissitude, or suavely gaining people' affecti-- nah nevermind he's pretty shitty awkward at matespritship.  It's unlikely that even he, in the grip of crazy troll adolescent hormones, knows exactly what he sees in any given person -- Hate?  Love?  Bluh?  At this stage  he'll pretty much take anything he gets.

But then, usually inevitable rejection results in either despondency (and him eventually running off to his remaining friends for consolation) or anger (a romantacised "defeat" in the eyes of his persona).  When he's hurting, physically or emotionally, everyone has to know.  That is, when it suits him -- although he is very public about a lot of his superficial feelings and emotions, when they matter he tends to keep them guarded and tight under wraps.  It's for this reason that it's so difficult to tell when he's being true to his feelings or putting on an act for the sake of whatever crazy drama he's spinning.

Dependency, both emotional and social is a consistent part of his character; even when engaged in extreme LARPing with Vriska, his actions (defeating other trolls and murdering their guardian lusii - hence the roleplay name Orphaner Dualscar - while Vriska got the freshly orphaned trolls to kill herself) bespoke a coexistence.  His relationship with Feferi was entirely codependent as well -- the aforementioned lusii he murdered went to her in order to feed her own guardian.  He (like pretty much every other troll) frequently solicits Karkat for romantic advice, relying on his guidance and support.  And it's for these reasons that a Meister-Weapon partnership system could be so beneficial to him.  Symbiosis, being a half of an emotional whole is what he knows and, more importantly, aspires for.

All this being said, it really is no wonder most people consider him a bit of an overemotional dickhead.  But it's hard, being a kid and growing up.  It's hard, and nobody understands.  Regardless, we'll try.

like all trolls eridan types usin a color representativve of his blood color and caste wwhich in his case is a deep rich purple befittin his noble status
he wwrites usin his real life wweird wwavvy soundin sorta accent and doesnt capitalize or use punctuation
the doubled wws and vvs are supposed to look like wwavves like the ones on his shirt symbol and jewwelry
he nevver uses the words an or of instead replacin them wwith a
as in
a pile a shit
or a elephant
also he leavves out the g in present participles like runnin and killin and messin
wwhen talkin in real life he pronounces his vvs as wws wwhich may reference the romans pronouncin theirs the same wway since hes got the wwhole troll caligula thing goin on wwith his username caligulasaquarium
examples are like "wideo games," "wodka," and "we're looking for the nuclear wessels."
he kind a swwears a wwhole fuckin lot
and so thats about it as far as his typin quirks are concerned

Character Abilities:
Nothing particularly outrageous apart from being just about the best most badass Seagrift that ever terrorised the role-playing seas.  That, and reaching the highest rung of his echeladder possible, able to kill even the most fearsome monsters without breaking a sweat.  Oh, and being an expert rifleman, skilled with deadly weaponry.  And having some degree of physical prowess.  And having impeccable fashion sense.  And being able to ride a skyhorse (and, assumedly, similar creatures) into battle.  I'll probably be able to find a lot of these in Death City, just you see.

Character Weaknesses:
Despite his accomplished strifing skills Eridan does have many weaknesses, most of them personality faults.  His overbearingness both in general manner and in his romantic escapades basically just ends up antagonising people rather than winning them over as friends.  As such, it'll be a bit of a chore trying to find someone compatible enough to be his Weapon... Much less his friend.  His emotional insecurity often results in unpredictable bouts of depression and questions of self worth.  These two problems are hard to fix as they are solely fueled by his purposefully exaggerated emotional theatrics; as long as he continues to act dramatic for the sake of the drama, he will continue being a social wreck.

Differences in human culture versus troll culture will lead to a lot of misunderstandings that can be to his disadvantage -- for example, if he manages to get someone in Death City to hate him he will take that as a come on and just be generally pleased with himself. But, obviously, this won't be as romantic an event to the person on the opposite end.  Even trying to manage himself in the day to day workings of human culture will be a challenge -- especially for a troll noble with an artificially inflated head.


Why your character should be a Meister:
The riddle wrapped in a mystery enshrouded in an enigma that is how Meistership/Weaponstatus is decided notwithstanding, I think it's pretty clear Eridan would be a Meister.  Even though the pair is symbiotic -- one half not ruling over the other -- he'd see the Meister as the obvious leader and the Weapon merely as a tool.  The subconscious desire to rule over shit like the noble he is may play a part in the distribution of his new Meisterrific powers, but more importantly this will give him a hurdle to overcome: forcing him to find a Weapon that can bully him into realising that he's working with everyone and not over them will be good for him in the long run.  It would not be as powerful if he were a Weapon learning this as he will have to experience failure as an overbearing Meister before he learns his lesson.  Which makes that all the more effective.

He's always wanted to be the showy, flashy dude that gets to wield ridiculously overpowered badass weapons and shoot flying whales out of the sky and stuff.  While Meistership will feed his ego for a while, it'll ultimately be a humbling experience.

Meister Ability: SOUL MATES
The stronger the redrom feelings for their partner, the quicker they'll be able to form their resonation attack. The stronger the blackrom feelings for their partner, the stronger their attacks will be but the resonation will eventually break. All feelings must be requited.


Soul Description: Theatrical, emotional, dependent, proud, douchebag (it's an adjective if I say it is), insecure.

Soul Appearance:
A very pale, almost diluted-looking violet sphere sporting the horns of its owner.  There are no other features besides, though as pale as it is you get the sense that you're looking at it through a haze or film -- and that something is obscuring what could be a true, deeper colour underneath.

app, ooc

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