Oct 29, 2010 12:18
Threadhopping with this character?: sure thing!
Backtagging with this character?: I prolly couldn't survive if you didn't.
Hugging this character?: go for it. it will definitely be surprising though.
Giving this character a kiss?: see above.
(Something more intimate?): six solar sweeps, dude. (nooo.)
(Relationships?): I'm open to this out of necessity (trollationships and all) but I'd prefer if you contacted me about a ship (matesprit, kismesis or whatever!) before you tried pursuing it because I am pretty horribly awkward with ships and I probably need my hand held if it's leaning towards redrom (romance). blackrom (hatey hate hate) should be no problem for me. :')
on principle, I will not seriously pursue a relationship that I expect to be requited -- Eridan has a tendency to be overbearing and FOREVER ALONE and I absolutely do not expect any advances I make with him to be responded to positively. if I want to have a serious formal relationship in the way trolls understand it, then I will inform you because it will probably involve a lot of clinginess and overemotional sea-troll.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): I'd be surprised if he didn't get someone to punch him.
(Injury?): I am very open, but talk to me first.
(Death?): less open (permanent death in SC after all). I'll approach someone if the day comes when I want to kill him off.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: I'm pretty chill! but whenever you're in doubt, just ask me first. :) there really isn't much of anything that I won't respond to though.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?: trolls have typing quirks. eridan here doubles his vvs and also his wws. he also kind a swwears a bit of a fuckin lot. if this is just too much of a hassle for you, as a mun, to read then leavve a comment here wwith your characters letting me knoww you wwant me to stick to vvideo or vvoice commnents wwhen interactin wwith em. i wwont do much about the swwearing by default but if it bothers you then also let me knoww and i will make a conscientious effort to tune it dowwn wwith your characters as wwell.
incidentally, on voice posts he pronounces his "v's" as "w's." so "wideo games," "woice," "wiolet," etc. I'm not sure how he pronounces words like "leaves" though. in short, he speaks funny.
Anything else, please mention here: I am a friendly person! if you ever need to talk to me about anything, just drop me a line on AIM at doctornolicense or even just a PM. cheers!