I forgot that I wanted to post about this earlier in the week, but it's on for another 5 hours:
http://www.europe-in-dc.com/Shortcut to Europe I am very very bad at staying off my foot, and it tells me about it the next morning. Wrapping it wrong before walking around Costco was not good. Making it less tight was good. Adding StopLeak and power steering fluid was a very good thing. But I'm tempted and awake but I figure I would be too tempted to stand and walk all day. Oops.
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me is playing All By Myself having mentioned how the one pig in Afghanistan has been quarantined. (It is at the zoo in kabul and usually wanders about and hangs out with the other animals.)
Slept on and off around 12 hrs. Tempted by Outside. Also my apartment desperately needs being dealt with. And my car. And I need to get out to MomApartment. And MomRehab. And evening plans. And three different late evening
Edit: and I seem to have forgotten to click post, so I will add that after Biden's comments last week Vegas put out a full page ad re
'what happens in vegas stays in vegas' and Mr. Vice President, if you'd amade your remarks there nobody would know! Here's
the ad So I guess now you only have 4 hours to get to an embassy.