So, no, didn't drop by Interfusion. And a good thing, too.

Jan 15, 2022 20:38

By last night I was generally leaning against but much more about a feeling of impropriety than a feeling of lack of safety. Hell, Dorry Segev's (epidemiologist & transplant surgeon, much published about immune compromised lack of vax response) wife has been posting from there. Because of much dither, though, I'd Kept My Options Open with a PCR from Curative Thursday so I'd have results to present rather than puzzle out their antigen process.

Yesterday I worked on cleaning the kitchen, did a tiny amount of acro with Crosbie, gave some masks to the gate house, almost ended up doing acro with Lianyan.

Last night I enjoyed the Cecilia Tan erotic reading and made pasta and sauce from fairly old sausage.

Got to sleep late and then was schnuffly when I woke up, so that kiboshed the idea of maybe going today.

Antihistamines helped, but around 630 after an hour's phone banking to Sinema donors I decided to antigen test b/c my throat was kinda weird feeling.

Strong positive.

The Red Death analogy from the prior post may be better than I realized -- I have a negative PCR from 4p Thursday.  It would have been valid for entry to Interfusion through til tomorrow.

I'm pissed.  I have no idea where I picked it up.   I've not been around a lot of ppl this week, and also negative antigen'd before PT Tuesday morning.  Went to the bathroom in Wawa when I got gas b/c I really needed to pee; spent longer in there than strictly necessary b/c I was offering masks to staff. That was Tuesday.  Joe's 15 floor elevator Wednesday, then later stopping in the library to pick up antigen tests.  Neither of them more than 2 minutes.  Was wearing my GATA.  Thursday the only time I left the house was when I decided to drive over to Curative and back. Trying to remember what Monday and the weekend were but with Omicron that's getting pretty far in the past.   I know last Friday I had a massage (antigen negative ahead of it) and got takeout from Hard Times and a battery from Home Depot.  Had some time in hard times in that I gave them N95s.  Lost a lot of time into the phone.  Saturday, um, hm. Ah right Saturday I eventually drove up to E and watched Ghostbusters and then ran into a closed road getting home and ended up staying up all night by mistake.   Sunday I lost the day into the internet with a vague intention to get up to an outdoor thing my cousin was doing, but then instead bought him Amsterdam Falafel for his birthday on Monday.  And dropped by the library and picked up tests. Hm.  I spent a fair while talking with the security guard in the alcove that day. But was wearing a duckbill.  Relatedly, the owner of Amsterdam Falafel just died of c19.  Vaxed and boosted and apparently 70 not 50 like many people assumed.

Alternately, it could be that I didn't go back to avoiding elevators. Or that I occasionally wore a surgical down to the car rather than deal with All The Hands of putting something stronger on.

Given how strong the positive, it's unlikely I picked it up yesterday when I stopped by the gatehouse to give Molyn more N95 and teach her how to use them.

I would have preferred to use a binax to confirm but I didn't find my last binaxen until after I'd had the bright idea (not) to confirm with the other test in the ihealth kit. It'll probably take a couple days for to come back, but I already have reported to DC Health and activated exposure notifications. This entry was originally posted at You can add to the
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