yesterday: Learned: sunscreen and greek yogurt look a lot like one another smeared on one's plastic wallet. It's understandable to confuse them if both have been in that bag recently, but you really don't want to lick the former off the plastic wallet. Also? That would explain why the fruit and yogurt tupperware seemed still sound and yet the wallet was smeared.
(when Petrona asked, "Did you lick it? Enquiring minds want to know") my response was I have it on good authority that I am very much a cat when I have tasted something I actively dislike (which is very infrequent -- my concept of okay is pretty vast) - Ken can attest to my reaction to reduced stout in an icecream. I would assume that E derived some amusement from my reaction to the taste of Neutrogena Dry Touch.
Today:Been listening to wamu's the 1a about the gun debate. is noted that on certain things almost the entire country is in agreement e.g. background checks. NRA didn't join the discussion but the National African American Gun Association did.
A comment I found worth remembering -- that rural vs urban makes for very different attitudes and associations re weapons. It dovetailed with something from the other day -- I'd driven up to a part of Maryland where the lots are 5 acres and my friends have a bunch of woods on their property. During and after dinner there kept being booms that might have been someone shooting targets on their property or might have been someone doing stuff with fireworks*. The older kid kept yelling toward the neighbors (who obviously wouldn't have heard) to stop it already; the dad pointed out that it was perfectly legal to shoot on one's own property around here. The kid, of course, remembers when they used to live in Hyattsville, and the sound of shooting meant the family and cats would hunker down in the basement.
*it still being broad daylight I found the latter possibility confusing but in MD I suppose visible fireworks wouldn't go well.
(semirelated, I had an insanely long and occasionally very frustrating thread about
The fist of truth NRA ad in which the husband of the NRA spokeslady came in to insist the vid I and many found practically a call to war against the Left wandered in and insisted it was an antiviolence ad. Ping me and I'll send you a link; I don't publicly link this account to my given name)
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