OMG OMG Some commercials are marvelous

Mar 09, 2016 19:50

And since I don't see them often, this is why it's impossible for me to wrest away. And hence the restaurant glasses*

Over in FB, I posted a link to a lovely photoset of older women with brightly colored hair and introduced it thussly: 1) when last in Florida I noticed an ad getting a lot of prime time playtime, of a couple gals getting purple streaks in their hair before attending their purple/white 50th high school reunion. I think it had something to do wifh financial planning but honestly I don't remember. [edit: apparently walgreens]
2) bright colors can go on silver or white hair without first bleaching it.
3) I think it's very soon going to be a very colorful future.

So I really like that walgreens ad, and even moreso now that I've paid attention to the whole thing; I don't think that I'd noticed the beginning whilst visiting my parents. And certainly not the pharmacist's reaction. And I really do think Walgreens having a spot with purple haired most of 70 year olds is a marvelous normalization of bright colors.

But y'know what had me and somewanker laughing just now? Geico. OMG Geico. Because as noted in the comments to the link above with the walgreens ad, Geico had a 1966 high school reunion ad too, "Peter Pan," which was so awful I won't even bother looking it up again.

But I'm so happy I did look it up, because after the horrid Peter Pan, it went on to autoplay Final Countdown (scroll through stuff about Europe's new tour to get to the video) and then...

And then...

Well, it takes place at a golf course.

O. M. G. Maybe I do need a TV.

(Honorable mention: This Geico ad that takes place at the South Pole.)

Um, also, somewanker just searched up the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain playing The Good The Bad and The Ugly. nikhedonia, I think you need to see this.

Edit: it's been continuing to autoplay the ukelele folks. this one is just wow. apparently many different songs work well with the same ukelele fingering.... (which means I've now searched up Pachelbel Canon Rant)

*deliberately less correction so I can't see the TV

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