and still all the eventfulness and also all of the too late to stay up late

Feb 21, 2015 03:45

I really do need to be writing.

But for now I'll give you a standing jump video and just go to bullets.

Today was nearly wholly useless, but I did finally, I think and dearly hope, set up my insurance. Then I somehow locked myself out of dchealthlink. And tried to fill out some mompaperwork but was flummoxed, even after managing to find a working pen. I got the car back in the last couple minutes possible, then stopped at Harris Teeter's on the way to Silmaril's, where I finally arrived at probably close to 11:30, and it wasn't long before large swaths of people left, but it was good to see them, if briefly. And good to catch up with others, though perhaps far longer than intended. Much laughter, some insight. shadowcaptain tells me tonight was the first time he remembers me putting into words that "I know I understand by repeating back in my own words and verifying that it's right." I assume it's unusual because I've had to explain, particularly yesterday dealing with Carefirst. He said most people hear the other and figure they get it; I exclaimed that apparently I insist on TCP/IP.

Yesterday was more productive, if only because I created a lyft account and by doing so received up to $200 in 10 free (up to $20) rides, which has come in very handy while having the car fixed. I got the car to a local shop - my usual trusted mechanic is not very local, and while it was most likely a bad oil pressure sensor it wasn't guaranteed to be. I metro'd out to Scooter's (holy cr&p batman! really? $5.40?) and then recorded some audio work. Which was fun, and interesting, and they like my voice. I used Lyft for the first time to get home, with a couple hiccups. Before that.. lessee, I wrote notes before bed. Oh. I also accomplished at least paying some of MomPropertyTax. But I'm not sure where I put the cheques that tell me the account number.

Wednesday was busy. Despite being on 5 hrs sleep I met up with r_ness in Chinatown, and before that picked up some handwarmers from my apparently nearby building supply store, to later bring to the homeless distro preacher guy by the world bank. (I did not get out and about today or I could have brought more, which arrived via Amazon. Maybe on the way home from Shul tomorrow) we spent some time in one of the few remaining import stores in the dwindled Chinatown, and I bought chopsticks and cards and little fabric shoes, and apparently the bakery next to the dumpling place is decent. After driving him back to his car at PG Plaza I failed to find the stuff I wanted to return to Old Navy, but accomplished SunTrust, and getting my insurance reset, and delivering handwarmers, and then the oil light went on and that is already documented. I'm very grateful to have friends who can offer useful info on such things.

Tuesday involved a huge amount of walking, all over town (Waterfront to Mall to Lincoln to Foggy Bottom) , with a random guy I'd never met, but who was pleasant and just what I hoped for - someone who would walk with me. And then I accidentally found my way to the homeless preacher guy, in that I turned the wrong way on PA ave, and so encountered him and then, looping back, at the CVS where I added my legwarmers asked after him and learned that he would distribute the packs of socks I just bought. He turned out to be out of handwarmers, so I got the car and off to Home Depot. And at Home Depot the first guy helping me told me about my local building supply place, and eventually when I was chatting with someone outside, someoen else knew of a hidden cache of handwarmers. And called after me as I started toward the car. And the lady at checkout is looking for a fulltime Accounts Payable job. And I brought the toewarmers (no handwarmers left) back up near world bank, to the guy. By the time I would return the next day all 64 had been distributed. I've got 40 handwarmers in the car now. And I want to know more about the homeless programs the current mayor is trying to reopen. Oh, and metro walkjogrun says my whole days walking was 6 miles. In snowboots.

Slept a good 12 hrs after exhausting my body that much,then after fetching vitruvian23 to the airport and enjoying Ben's Chili Bowl and a trio of unusual creme brulees I ended up at badmagic's. Saw the Archer with the blimp.

The weekend was acro and acro and acro and I think my forearms are still not sure of me because of it. In between the acro was a tea at Brandon's involving a somewhat distressing conversation with someone FCC, a realization of an impending move Away, and generally good conversation and even better food. And a short time with shadeofnight helping me figure out the best layered red dress ball outfit ever, before I managed to entirely miss the snow and have a nice night at the Ball then encounter first hand the effects of bitter cold on chinese takeout tupperware (still worked to get ice off someone's car). At Acro I did my first pops, and my first hand to hand and my first basing of part of a pyramid. And my first foot to foot. And the instruction was excellent and obviously thoroughly planned.

Friday was again one of those useless days, and I missed the jam ;-/

And now it's most of 4 and I wanted to get to shul and I have to pick up dry cleaning and then I'll be wearing the Honor Flight dress to entertain Iwo Jima vets.

So best to attempt to go to sleep.

acro, omphaloskepsis, judaism, parties, homeless, weekend

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