Feb 12, 2015 01:53
For example, as noted over on fb, ...and if you're on the individual market, open enrollment ends the 15th. Those who do not currently have health insurance will incur far higher tax penalties this year than they did last year; 2/15 is the end of the time one can enroll on the marketplace. (Not sure about outside the Marketplace.) I am not hugely pleased by the plan I have, but since I do have one, I'm finding it hard to convince myself to actually deal.
I've been doing a lot of things, though often timeshifted. Today was rather busy from afternoon on - bikeshare to go walking with MirayaB, then walk nearly home, then bikeshare to and from Suntrust in order to sort out how they were charging me $17 a month to hold my money -- it turns out I had insufficient in a particular account, but, get this, if we changed it to a second checking account all the charges would magically go away -- because the higher interest savings account is free if you have a couple thousand in it (which I no longer have) and $17 a month if you don't. BUT! a less high interest checking account is $7 a month (but over a certain amount in it free), BUT! you can have a second less high interest checking account that you call saving for something account, and in that case both are free. Best I can tell they figure you'll just keep growing the latter, and hence they figure it will stay with them. I made her laugh when I suggested calling it "proto savings account number one." But then when i said I would go home to deal with open enrollment before the deadline, and by the way the tax penalties are higher this year and a lot of people don't know that, she didn't know that and figured many of her friends didn't either. So that's something.
Last night I spent a lot of time on mail that should have been opened a while ago, and realized that my current insurance doesn't cover labwork. I figured this out with an aha moment whilst staring at a bill from Qwest for some bloodwork back in October. The particularly disgusting thing, to me, is only somewhat that there is no point at all in calling Qwest or my insurance -- this particular bill isn't one in which my insurance only covered part of it (wait, I might hence be wrong, because I vaguely recall getting one of those in the recent past) but instead the fact that I have any insurance brought the bill from >$600 to around $50. Meaning any poor sod without insurance would have gotten a bill for over $600 for the same labwork that Qwest will only receive $50 for, from someone with insurance.
Anyway. After the bank BadM and I went to a talk/lecture/workshop/something of "asking for it" - getting what you want in the bedroom. It ended up being much more a group discussion than anything else, and somebody brought up a very interesting idea of a kissing date, but I find myself thinking that conventionally attractive younger women probably should give some thought to their assertions that it is a good thing to consider an online listing of interests to be simply weeding out those who do not also want them - that is in fact a privilege they have that not everybody does. There were some interesting discussions as well about conversation style, particularly in terms of difficult ones - the person who needs time to process vs the person who must speak it all now, and patience, and that stressful discussions exacerbate these mismatches. I took notes; perhaps I shall write more.
An awesome dinner at Banana Cafe, acquisition of eggs at Harris Teeter, and then I didn't have to go deliver someone home from an ER after all, so really I should have gone to sleep by now.
I don't think I have the Brain to compare health plans. I should at least force myself to pay a couple bills once I'm in front of the computer, and I really should write up the email blast for Ellen to send out re the Red Dress Ball. It's not really my job, though I was doing it for a while anyway, but in this case I think it would be good to have a section about women's heart attack symptoms (and since they are so often vague, many people discount them), and if /that/ is going to happen then I should probably write it.
In the meantime, I think I'll put a bunch of heart disease links in a separate post.
health insurance,