Mobile user synopsis: maligned donut shop in frontroyal stars in dream; hifi earphones and associated musing on targeted marketing; amusing article about CEOs and dumbphones; further commentary on mobile experience. she kills monsters. knoxville dither, wilderness emt/momapartment, need help.
The short form is that the dream involved (it's a little confused)
lonebear's DD's wedding (or did in the beginning, it's why I drove . . . somewhere, and it's where at least some of the initial conversations with
chesuli and getting my hair tangled in that old sort of fluffy yarn ribbon were set.)
Most of the dream, though, was set in and around my brain's strange idea of what
Naughty Girls Donut Shoppe in Front Royal might look like. Strange, in that in real life the linked article mentions pinups and rockabilly outfits, a small shop, and, well, donuts (
real menu here), and in the dream I ordered spicy fries in a large space full to bursting by all the people such as I who had seen the article about the high schooler's shop being branded a Bikini Barista by people who had apparently never visited. I clearly remember, in the dream, waving toward the long line and full to capacity large seating area, and noting that my companions and I had come in from DC, on account of those silly boycott threats we'd read about.
Who my companions were kept changing. There was a bit in the dream where, after much brushing something through my hair
chesuli decided it needed cutting; I would have thought I rode with her, but then it was she and
exsmof I had lost track of due to first talking too long with the guy behind the counter and then having wallet issues and then spending time looking at the different swag available and selecting a nicely heavy pen. (I do not recall ever managing to remember the heft of an object from a dream.) But then it was
tacnukesoul who let me know that exsmof and chesuli had gone off for actual dinner. So no idea. As far as the wedding goes, I guess that was a different dream? (Re the Naughty Donut Shoppe in real life, a few people are talking about making the most of 2 hr trek just to try them.) About those earplugs: Over on FB last night I posted, I remember mentioning this product to someone recently; I've been vaguely intending to buy some, and it looks like if I make an order of 4 it's free shipping. ($5 shipping on $12.95 otherwise.[edit: 10% off of that if within 48 hrs) Anybody else in? Supposed to maintain music quality and permit conversation. I have to admit that I'm not minding the targeted ads - those things have been showing up on my feed for a while now; probably moreso once I visited the site a while back. They cleverly split their checkout process such that billing/shipping/email address were on the first page, and one submitted that before giving the actual credit card info; I woke this morning to a "please don't go!" email offering me another 10% off if I bought within 48 hrs, and just now on my fb feed I see a different coupon (code FBSHIPFREE) offering free shipping on 2 units rather than needing 4. (Since I don't know if I can use two coupons at the same time and I'm already up to 4 or 5, immaterial to me, but perhaps useful to others.) Anyway, last night they were sold out of tan but still had white and brown.
I feel like I should be all upset about a company following me around like that (I'm sure the fbshipfree would be showing in my sidebar even if I hadn't gone mostly through the order process last night), but I'm feeling like no, this is how it should work -- I've indicated some interest, and they've been sweetening the deal to get me to actually buy. Re the mobile synopsis above, one of the myriad things that has been, shall we say suboptimal, about the new lj app is that instead of showing me my lj feed as it is, with the option to click lj-cuts it shows me a set top 2 inches of each post, and I have to click in in order to see the rest. It's not always obvious that there actually is more than what is shown (there is no indication a post has been autocut), and of course if a post changes topics a few inches down, nobody will be the wiser. (ferex, I had some links the other day in something that started as mostly a whine.)
Need to get around to putting that review up in the appstore. I'm still gobsmacked at how the update ever got out the door. Hell, it's a showstopper bug that it freaks out about apostrophes, but yesterday it was asking me to submit a capcha for no apparent reason before not offering me one.
Weekend. Weekend weekend weekend. Once I moved Mom's memorial I had the ability to be elsewhere this weekend. And I looked, actually, at driving down to GA to visit with a close friend who has moved to Kansas City. Plus, beach. Except south of Savannah. 10 hrs drive each way did not appeal, and in a not-prius gas alone would have been more than a SWA flight to and from KC. So since I had decided I wasn't going to Cleveland Lindy Exchange next weekend because
inf0girl's memorial (and also not being sure about staying sun/mon/tue in CLE before Rosh Hashana Wed) I started thinking of Knoxville Lindy Exchange -- I've got a ride offer, and a crash space offer . . . and there's a good dance at Glen Echo on Saturday night (Blue Sky 5) and if
heptadecagram or
number12 or
lonebear were likely to go to the familyfriendly swing dance earlier in the day I'd go to that, too. Plus the Capitol Flight Festival is this weekend, so partner acro in the park will be epic. And then there's a
book launch of The Mathematician's Shiva.
So on the one hand there's nothing I'm committed to to keep me from going to Knoxville, but I can be somewhat protective of my not so sure about things ankle (apparently not all Tevas are good for you or at least not right from the start; subsequent to a long and wonderful walk the other day with
agentxs I have been getting weird ankle twinges, so perhaps it is best not tempting myself to dance the whole weekend? Without my own transit I'd be /at/ dances the whole weekend. It would be good to dance with Keith, and I've never been to Knoxville...Monsters:
ambyr made mention of
She Kills Monsters and I think I recall her saying it is one of the best things she's seen all year, which is high praise from someone who sees as many shows as she. When I thought I was going to Knoxville tonight was the only night I could go, and go tonight I shall, but there are evenings and matinees through Sunday afternoon. I do feel a bit bad about bailing on an honor flight for tonight.
Oh, and finally, I'm starting to think that it'll be all but impossible to get all my ducks in a row before the October zero to EMT I was looking at -- probably a goodly deal of the pass rate they have is they send the books out a month early. It's less than a month out already, and I'd need to acquire an MMR titer and a TB test before I could finish registering, and their on-site lodging, while admittedly cheap, consists of "you can tent or stay in 4 person bunks or some people sleep in their cars," which is consistent with the fact that normal people interested in a wilderness med cert do a hella lot of backpacking and don't care where they sleep. Come January, though, the same folks are having the same class, but in Asheville in a meeting center where there would be real rooms and two to a room. The dance temptation might be problematic. Ironically I likely /won't/ already be down in Asheville for Lindy Focus.
This also lets me concentrate on Momstuff a bit more right now. I have gotten almost nowhere on the apartment (though
la_penguinita's visit to mine yesterday was invaluable, even though we really only spent 2 hrs on it) and there are estate deadlines coming up. Momapartment, and many other things, have been terribly difficult, still - too many things trigger memories or 20/20 hindsight or regrets. I really do need help with a number of things, but it's hard to figure out quite what or with whom.
And I got a call from Dad's number today, with someone other than Dad on the other end of the line (It was Billy, who helps him out a lot, asking whether I had already managed to set up a certain webaccess) and I all but panicked until I understood that no, nothing was wrong. In my usual interesting timing (
sharrainchains has oft commented), I still had my hand on the phone after taking it off silent. And finally, this initially short dream post concludes with
In other news,
dumb phones can be a status symbol! And some CEOs prefer them! (of course, the "I can't be bothered by emails all the time" bit doesn't get me anywhere if I fall into the ipad for hours on end.)