So, hi from
hradzka's, down in NC. It was a lovely drive down Rte 29, but it took me forever to get moving in the morning, and then it took forever to first buy an inverter at Microcenter (WHAT was taking so long at checkout I could not say, but it was impressive) and then to find out that apparently not all things that fit into cig lighters fit into MomCar ciglighter, so then I had to go back and buy another inverter. But I was able to charge the phone and also ThinMint the iPad, the latter of which uses a lot of power if it acts as GPS and I can only hope does not use a lot of internet.
But I digress. Last night I sent a quick email to the Lithicum training folks, it being >54 hrs since I met the client, asking if they'd heard anything. This morning came the response that they're still interviewing and will let me know; I responded thanks, that was the info I needed re whether anybody was likely to be needing me in Lithicum Monday morning, and to have a good time at ILHC.
This morning I had an email waiting from Dice -- a
senior requirements analyst position with CareFirst, who I've dealt with before. Thing is, 1) senior position, and I've already been put in, with no result, for several senior business analysis positions, 2) the recruiter is someone I have dealt with before -- I'd told her that the guy under her had put me in for those senior business analyst positions, and did she have any more junior ones. She decided the more junior ones were obviously too low priced for me, and pretty much fell off the face of the earth. To my surprise, the Dice listing includes the pay, which is rather more than I was making at USDA, and a heck of a lot more than those were.
I'm thinking, rather than simply apply through the web page, to send a note direct to her, with something along the lines of Hi, I saw this listed on Dice and that you're the recruiter. We last talked about some of the business analyst positions CareFirst had. I believe my background is such that I could certainly handle this position, but, as you know, I've not as yet had this job title. This is a lead Requirements Analyst position; will there be others on the same team?
Thoughts? Suggestions?
And in other news, MrMac is being impossible, so this lj post has been composed on
hradzka's computer.