twelfth night! allergies? or sick? feh

Apr 18, 2013 10:51

1) ticketing is up for twelfth night!
Come see me look silly. Actually, it's turning into a really fun production.

2) I strongly suspect I am coming back down with a sinus infection rather than this just being allergies. Part of this is because a little over a week ago symptoms subsided when I started a zpack, and came back with a vengence a few days after finishing it. I could be wrong. In any case, I'm full of yellow gunk again, and the doc I saw last week is full up and they say "go to an allergist." That's nice. I know damned well what I'm allergic to, I'm not going to start allergy shots in the foreseeable future, and I have working allergy meds. And if Benedryl isn't a sufficient help, then I'm not sure what is supposed to be.

Debating whether to try to go to the office near my old job - they always are about a 2hr time commitment, and trying to explain that I had started going back to the old practice b/c they were nearby seems... awkward.

3) DCLX is this weekend, and #2 will probably curtail a goodly amount of my usual participation. 7 dances one can get to, 2 of them free, 6 of them with live music.

4) I also have an englishman coming to town, and in a fit of insanity offered that I would drive him and his camping pack to REI on Saturday, probably picking him up at 11. DCLX late nights go til 5am. Oh, and the car is incredibly full of randomness.

5) Eastern Market Tango is closing up shop on 5/9. I was intending to go after rehearsal tonight, but...

6) gah.

theatre, dance, sick

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