weekendy goodness.

Jul 02, 2012 17:43

So I’m having one of those days, where it’s hard to convince myself to deal with those things I’m supposed to be dealing with (and which have emails even up on my screen for dealing with) and so instead I shall write about the weekend.

Friday I very eventually left work, and then went on to visit with Mom, and ate my salad and watched the rest of Dave with her. She saw it on TV far more recently than I've seen it, and I'd forgotten all but the biggest overarching plot point of "Kevin Kline's character is standing in for the President, when the Prez falls over and Nefarious Forces have him continue to do so. For a while. And everybody thinks he's marvy."

It's a cute movie, but it's also something one really does have to turn one's brain off for, particularly if one lives in DC and paid a whole lot of attention to the budget fiasco last year. And especially if one is prone to thinking about stuff medical ;-/ Or Security. The cameos, though, were marvelous, and it was a fun fairy tale set in the White House. And it came out before the Internet was really around, which probably helped immensely.

When I left Mom's it wasn't raining, and when I got to Shopper's in College Park it wasn't raining, and after I picked up 5 or 6 items and returned to the checkout it was apparently raining in that the lights shut off and came back on and rinsed and repeated and the checkout machines rebooted (apparently running linux.) The rain was going at 60 degree angle when I eventually decided to make a run to the car and go home. Much was dark and there were many trees to sidestep, but fortunately I was on the other side of the forward bit of the storm. I'm pretty happy, in retrospect, that I stopped at Shopper's; else I might have been driving when the front edge hit.

Saturday I got up at a semireasonable hour given my general exhaustion, pointed a couple people at leiacat's move who hadn't otherwise noticed her invite, got the apartment from unliveable to disgraceful, and still managed to not leave til quarter past 4 even though I didn't assemble the kale salad until I arrived there for hanging out after said move. I blame my managing to lose the canned tomatoes, but fortunately she had extra avocado. And far better knives. Eventually JMC showed up with the makings for strawberry shortcake and Sheepie (refugee from lack of AC) grilled more Things. (It was a lovely day out; I eventually enticed some folk outside, but also discovered many biting things. Oops.) After some time showing Sheepie more Swing JMC and I wandered off looking for somewhere open without too much food; instead we discovered that Ellicott City was entirely dark save a generator-fed stoplight; that made for a lovely longish walk by moonlight. Getting home was way sleepy, but then I woke up entirely too much and got to bed, extra melatonin hit, at 4am.

woke a bit after noon, eventually struggled out of bed. Joe came over, and after some while we walked up folklifeward. In and out of A/C via museums. First to Native Amarican museum for food - a bunch of different sides (rated one of the best restaurants in washington) and then to Suprasensorial in the Hirshhorn. Time wandering the AIDS quilt, then the science fair that was USDA at 150 (ended up asking about bee colony collapse - turns out the current thinking is that /maybe/ pesticides are making bees more susceptible to a certain parasite, which opens them to virii; another particularly interesting tent was University of Indiana, which was presenting on disability and had a 2x gold medalist wheelchair basketball player hanging around) and mostly ignored Citified, which, best I could tell, was all oral history and closing up. A bit of a wander in American History then dinner at Old Post office, then Avengers at Gallery Place and then walk home, and then a while talking.

And today I spent entirely too long in my doctor's waiting room. ThinMint doesn't have hotspot capability, so I posted a whole lot of randomness on Facebook. It would be nice if my thumb were being more cooperative, and I'm finding myself wondering if the brace makes it worse. Hrm.

Tonight, finish the very end of Dave with Mom, perhaps watch another movie, and then on to CCB most likely.

folklife, disability, weekend, movies

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