An update of... A meme.

Jul 02, 2006 17:34

Stolen from heno_kappa who stole it from sleepy_syusuke

I AM: Bored, but getting over it
I WANT: To watch my friend play more Resident Evil 4
I WISH: That my parents hadn't split up
I HATE: The fact that I can't dance to DL3's Hyotei rap
I MISS: Being with heno_kappa, thekoryu, and eddly_ness
I FEAR: Being abandoned by all those I consider friends
I HEAR: Kabaji rapping
I WONDER: Why people even like me in the first place
I REGRET: my immaturity
I AM NOT: The happiest person in the world, even if I act like I am
I DANCE: When I'm alone, or when caffeinated around friends... Most don't seem to want me to dance though... Like it's embarrassing. That's fine with me. I would probably embarrass myself, too
I SING: All the time, no matter how much I think my singing is terrible
I CRY: At least twice a week
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: Art, no matter how much I hate how it looks
I WRITE: RP tags, because I have no confidence in my skills as a fanfiction authoress
I CONFUSE: Everyone around me, and myself while I'm at it
I NEED: To learn Japanese so I know what the hell they're saying in these musicals
I SHOULD: Call my friend Gregorie to let her know that I'm alive
I START: Fanfiction, I have to apologize to all those who read my unfinished work
I FINISH: Rarely
I LOVE: Things that shine, flowers, TeniMyu, and my friends
I TAG: vacivity and esrafil cause I don't know if they did this already, and if they did, link me there, loves~? Anyone else who actually wants this is free to take it. It's not mine, after all.


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