AURAL HYPNOX esittää torstaina 15.11.2007:
ARKTAU EOS (Musik for Katakombs and Kha-Pels)
HALO MANASH (Elemental music) ZOÄT-AON (Experimental electronic) Paikka: Ravintola Lepakkomies, Helsinginkatu 1, Helsinki.
Aika: torstaina 15.11.2007 klo.22.00.
Huom: vapaa pääsy!
ARKTAU EOS: The debut album of ARKTAU EOS, “Mirrorion”, was released by AURAL HYPNOX in the solar blaze of Midsummer 2006, although in essence ARKTAU EOS exists outside and beyond mere musical parameters. It may be conceived as an arena of manifestation for the Void streaming forth through myriad hidden pathways, shaped by the dreams and desires of its creators and their patron spirits. A religion without name, an extended liturgy in elemental language: ARKTAU EOS is many things, capable of shifting between several mediums of expression. These shows mark our first foray into live musical environment outside our circumpolar hermitage. If the stars be right, you shall dream as we do.
For more detailed information about the project, please visit the official website at: HALO MANASH: HALO MANASH is an entity that took its shape and shadow in Finland in the late '90s, manifesting itself through Elemental music. Sounds and visions born from raw experience, from being devoured and born anew, from the great heights and deepest depths, that take the form of music, images and artifacts. Utilizing primarily organic soundsources (such as bones and horns), various traditional and self-made instruments, as well as the Elemental sounds themselves, combined in an electronic medium, the music of Halo Manash ranges from serene serpentine ambient to frenzied and possessive outpourings of rhythmic chaos and thunder - an unleashing of primal ecstacy.
Rather than a group or band in any traditional sense, Halo Manash is an entity, a being in and of itself. And as all things pulsating with life and death and dreams, Halo Manash is constantly shedding its skin and remains in a state of never-ending metamorphosis, toward ever clearer forms, deeper shades and the Void beyond All. Thus, the personae involved in Halo Manash are not central - rather it is the face of Halo Manash itself that is at the heart of all. The members of Halo Manash are the Dream that It dreams, the mask that It wears.
Each Halo Manash performance is a unique time-bound manifestation and work of creation/destruction in itself, rather than being merely a repetition of works already created. Halo Manash seeks to transcend the boundaries of ordinary live-shows by creating an intense and multi-sensory experience, both for the audience and for Halo Manash itself.
For more detailed information about the project, please visit the official website at: ZOÄT-AON: Since 1995 Jaakko Vanhala has been making experimental music of an electronic bent. The latest phase of this work has been named Zoät-Aon, and under this title two full-length albums have been released ('Star Autopsy' in 2005 and 'The Triplex Bestial' in 2006).
The soundwork on the albums is multifaceted, dynamic and organically shifting soundscapes created by a mixture of modern and archaic techniques common to electro-acoustic music, musique concrete, ambient, ethnic and ritual music.
As the studio and live material are heard in different settings, there is a slight, intentional aural difference between them. However, the ultimate aim remains the same: to create a space in which both the operators and the audience have an experience that is assumed to intensify the discovery and assimilation of the repressed aspects of 'reality' in a creative sense.
For more detailed information about the project, please visit the official website at: http://www.auralhypnox.com ***
Aural Hypnox Evenings: Arktau Eos, Halo Manash and Zoät·Aon
November 15, 2007 ~ Ravintola Lepakkomies, Helsinginkatu 1, Helsinki.
November 17, 2007 ~ Club GEZ - 21 ( ), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
November 18, 2007 ~ Club Vermel ( ), Moscow, Russia