Bedtime story. Maybe the worst you'll ever read.

Sep 12, 2012 21:29

I made this a night when I found a nice Alice in wonderland dress, I love this story since I'm a child so this is was a way to mix to things I love :).

Note: It doesn't have much with the original story, it's just "based on" or something like that, maybe it's just bleh. Enjoy?
Note 2: I'm not english native, so don't be cruel to me :3

Alice was a girl with a great imagination and adventure spirit

She spent many hours running through the trees and writing in her diary, always in the company of her cat called Diana.

Her mother didn't understood her that much, Alice always had quarrels with her mother about the way she spent her days.

Her mother always ask her to be more like her older sister, always focused and down to earth

But that wasn't for Alice, she was sure she born to live adventures and write books about it. She was a daydreamer and she couldn't avoid that, even if her mother didn't like it.

One day she realized she was sleeping on the grass, she was wondering how her mother let her do such a thing

she also realized her dress was different than every other dress she had, she thought it was more comfortable to walk around the forest.

Diana was still there, but she saw they where far away from home.

She started to run to her home, but she couldn't find the walk, instead of that she found a field of mushrooms. She knew something wasn't right

She stopped running. Suddenly, two elf man appeared. She was wondering where did they come from, she lived there for so long and never saw any elf walking on the streets

One of the elf man greeted her, Alice was pleased to find people, maybe she could ask them about the way to her home

The elf man asked her to stay, they introduce her her yeti friend, and they told her their names

The long haired elf was called Elessar, the other was called Faelivrin and the yeti men Turgon.

They were to nice to ask her to stay, she felt happy when they also asked her to make some dance. Everything was new to Alice.
After a while, she felt hungry, so she said goodbye to her new friends. Surprisingly, she found the way to home, she was worried about all the complaining that her mother could gave her

She heard more voices than the her family's. Maybe it's party - She thought-, but she couldn't remember anything about a reunion or something similar.
She entered. She found her family with masks and party dresses. Alice couldn't stop herself of laughing, even more when she found her new friends where there too!

For Alice's family, everything looked normal, but she knew something else was going on.

She didn't care much about it, she enjoyed the great dinner.

A big dance started!

She was surprised because of her dad, she never saw him that relaxed. Everything was nicely weird.

Even more when her sister asked them to go out and enjoy a piano concert in the mushroom field.

The sun was down, and she felt she had to keep investigating in the mushroom field

Suddenly, Alice felt lost and tired.

So she sat down to rest, and wait for help

The field was darker and she didn't knew what to do, she can barely saw her feets

She felt dizzy, and sleepy

Without noticing it, she felt asleep

The time ran faster, she woke up to realized she still was there and no one noticed she was lost.
 Alice felt hopeless, so she stared walking again.

Without any warning, Alice saw a strange violet powder coming to her, she felt tired again, but this time she felt eased.

- Oh no! - she thought - It was all a dream!
She felt disappointed to woke up on the couch, after all she felt that she could live a life like in her dream.

She walked to the dinning room and she found her family enjoying the dessert. Alice realized she had to gave up and get back to the reality

But she refused to gave up her dreams.

Cheesy, isn't it?
As a bonus, I leave Diana giving extra cuteness!

storytelling, sims 2

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