Those of you that know/have known about this update, this post is not necessarily for you. Don't worry though, I will start trying to post at least once a week now that I will be down to two local contacts now.
I was offered a contract with the Aldine ISD in Houston for a job as a 5'th and 6'th grade Art teacher. Since the teacher job market in the metroplex is so fubar right now that a Second cert in Math couldn't get me and interview (much less a call back); I am inclined to take it. Not that the school is bad mind you. It sounds promising, and I will finally get to teach what I love. It's just not where I call home and that saddens me a bit. I am hoping it will grow on me a little more once I am living down there.
If I have not gotten around to telling you about this major change in my life, please do not take offense to it. I have been really stressed lately about the move and getting lessons thought up for the new year (not to mention changing banks, change of address w/ the post office and my monthly bills, and all the other crap that is involved with a move).
I mentioned two local contacts earlier. Two of my friends from Denton have just/will soon be moved/moving down to Houston. While I am grateful that there will be people there that I have know and cared about for years, two makes for a very small social circle. I know that I made friends or acquaintances at the very least when I lived in Bruce;but outside of that friend-or-flight kind of environment, I really have a hard time making new friends. I know it is not worst thing in the world, but it is what is currently on my mind.
Anyways, that's enough ranting from me now. If you wish to contact me, my phone number is the same that it has been for the last decade or so. if you need it anyhow you can reply here or email me at . If your in the Houston area, please feel free to give me a call or stop by. I have been spending days now going through boxes of memories of all my last nine years in Denton, so please believe me when I say that I will miss you all (if you are reading this post, this means YOU).
I will be sure to give advanced notice when I come back to visit.