Jan 11, 2007 12:32
I've decided that I'm not so thrilled with using XEmacs, so I'm trying to set up SciTE (nice, lightweight programmer's editor) to run from my linux directory.
Of course, the available binaries for SciTE expect a newer version of GTK than what (I think is) installed on these machines, which means I need to compile my own. Of course, the makefiles expect that they're being installed by root, so "make install" doesn't work right, even when I specify the correct directory prefix (~) -- for some reason it complains about an attempt to chown to root/root. Ahem. ;P
The editor works, but it doesn't have / can't find the property files and lexer info that it should have. I think this means I get to dig through the makefile to find an option / make an option to *NOT* chown everything.
(In ref to my new icon -- the fun part about encoding a string into an array of ints is figuring out byte order. Thanks to the endianness of the x86 processor, each 4-byte chunk appears to be "backwards" ... )
Edit: Yep, changing "INSTALL=install -o root -g root" to my own username and the student group seems to have fixed everything. Go me. :)