Upcoming birthday

Nov 27, 2006 14:22

This is just a heads-up for anyone who might be interested. My birthday is in about a week (Wed Dec 6); my age will be x ≡ 8 (mod 10). (Hey, if I have to suffer through modular arithmetic, I can at least inflict a bit of that suffering on others too... ;) )

Last year, I was too overwhelmed with schoolwork to be able to do anything for my birthday. This year, I will have a birthday dinner, somewhere... location still under consideration, though with preferences towards Fremont (near home) or Cap Hill. I'm hoping that I'll have some friends in attendance. If you think you might be available/interested, let me know. (And feel free to suggest a location, though I'll feel free to ignore your suggestion if I so feel like it. ;) )
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