Feb 06, 2006 01:54
Download it Damnit!!
I finally saw the movie FF-VII:Advent Children...
The Movie is pretty damn cool, except I was expecting a better plot, the previews I downloaded kinda up the suspence of the drama... but the storyline pales in comparision to the plot of the game...
Of course it can't have everything cuz It's only a hour and so many minutes long of a movie...
Fight scenes however:BAD FUCKING ASS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Tifa rocks my world damnit!! Vincent comes out as a SquareEnix version of Spawn (so cool!) The Turks had me at a loss of words (Rude and Reno are effing hot!! Reno acts just like Duo Maxwell!! ::squeals:: They should get Scott Mcnell to voice act for him!)
The bad guys are cool too, the short hair one(I don't know his damn name, the subtitles kept going by really fast...) has some cool moves...
Theres really not much I can say about the movie that won't spoil it... but It was damn cool, I recommend it. And it'll be a lot better in theaters than it was on my computer screen (Oh I can't wait till its dubbed!!)
However I can say this... almost evryone in this movie has a cell phone that looks similar to the handheld psp!! lol!! The ring tones are cute too!!
Oh yeah... a the guy in the wheelchair... not sephie-boy... but that doesn't mean he doesn't make a appereance in the movie... ::grin::
-Over and out-