Oct 24, 2006 06:13
This post is for all of my loving friends who posted the other day and helped pull me through.Your support was wondeful and put me in the right kind of headspace.. thankyou all. And to Sircoma, I wish I could have spoken to you, i tried to return your calls but your phone number was not working?
Nico and I are back together, but I declined his second proposal for marriage. I need some serious time to think things through.
I am still going through with plans for moving to Denmark.
I just think I shouldn't rush into anything while I am trying hard to build up my trust again. And for anyone who really knows me they know.. this takes A very long time.
Gosh, It takes me a long time to even partially open up to my friends about the truth of how i feel.
I'm such a stubborn little closed book sometimes.
So yeah..
I do love you all. I know i didn't take up any of your offers of calling. but I feel like this pain is mine to bare for a while, I need to own it and act accordingly.. But thankyou again.. all of you..
well I guess thats enough for me opening up. If I do anymore, I'll bleed all over the floor. such a mess.