JET Update, etc.

Mar 15, 2009 21:15

Ugh. My life is so boring. ._. Anyway, here's what's been going on.

Most importantly, I had my JET interview on February 24th in Houston, Texas. Drove 10 hours total to go to a 15 minute interview. Hah. Awesome. V_V Anyway, I managed to get a suit that fit (after a few days at a seamstress' house) and a nice pair of patent leather heels with laces (I call them my witch shoes, since they kinda remind me of the Wicked Witch of the West's. XD ). At any rate, I think I did pretty well. The little Japanese I used (to introduce myself, since Sato-san introduced herself in Japanese, and to say thank you for the interview) I think I did well with. I had them laughing with me, so I hope that's a good sign. For those interested in the results, I should know whether I got in by the end of this month, or beginning of April. I'm, uh...a little nervous. >.< (If anyone wants more info on what I was asked in the interview, let me know and I'll type it up, too.)

Outside of JET stuff, school's been pretty hectic this month. I didn't really have many midterms, just a lot of stuff due, like the paper for International Studies that's worth 30% of my grade, and the take-home midterm my Lit teacher gave me on a Wednesday and wanted due on that Friday. Ugh. x_x But all of that is out of the way now, and I'm back to doing more everyday things, like reading until my eyes shrivel up in my head. :)

My boss, loveable guy that he is, has been driving me crazy at work recently with his constant whistling and tapping of his fingers. He insists on trying to talk to me while I'm trying to concentrate on not fucking up our monetary records. Not a smart thing to do when I'm so easily distracted. :( Also, because of all the madness of the past few weeks, I've had to skip work once, and was late to work twice by an hour. Needless to say, my paycheck this week was kinda...lacking. ;_;

In other news, DEAR CHRIST WHY AM I NOT DONE NOW? D8 Srsly, I want to be out of here (and by here, I mean LSU) so damn bad. I'm entirely too apathetic about actually attending class (I do the homework and readings, but I also need to go to class to get them. Ugh.) The construction isn't so much bothering me as it is destroying my image of the school. I mean, when everything moving around on you, is super noisy anywhere you go, and half the places you want to go to are half blocked off? Not doing to much for me. Only another two months. Hells YES.

Anyway, this is getting long and I need to read more of Enter Economism, Exit Politics tonight so I'm not killing myself to get it done by Tuesday.


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