Bad Duncan No Biscuits!

Jun 22, 2013 02:10

Yeah I said that I was planning to update this journal more often then I was and kinda talk a bit more. However I have slacked a little bit so I get no Doggy treats today.. As my profile image suggests, I have still kept the thought of the Road Rovers in my heart. I downloaded DC Universe Online off Steam and Been playing on and off as A road Rover, the game is actually quite fun where your able to customize every part of your superpowers as you go. So my gadget using, duel pistolas welding , Parkour running superhero is doing quite well for himself lol. On Father's day I had a bit of an accident with my scooter; though relax it was nothing serious and if it was I probably wouldn't be typing today... Honestly it's a tad bit... Embarrassing to say the least. I was driving to my other brother's house who lives down the street in the same little complex me and my brother does and Was parking the scooter when for some reason my head decided I was a real biker and I was getting off a real bike and I lifted my leg up and attempted to dismount a scooter like a bike... Bad Idea.. My foot caught the side of the back compartment and It tipped over with me still holding on as it fell practically on top of me . I wasn't badly hurt other then a lightly scraped elbow and a broken pride. A driver who seen the fall while driving past the house even stopped to see if I needed assistance. Honestly that was nice of the guy but man did I feel like a dumb ass. As I stated I was alright albeit sore the next day; The bike only got a few scratches to the paint however the following day i noticed it had a bit of a shake while driving it. I don't know if a simple fall could cause the bike to have a wobble; also my brother drives it and says he uses a dirt path so I don't know if that what was causing the wobble either. Damn I wish I didn't dismount fail... Other then that I went to the mall today with my two eldest nieces. Picked up a copy of the Metal gear HD Collection which has Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater, and Peace Walker. I'm really anxious to wanna play this again cause Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater were two of my favorite titles in the franchise  I have yet to play Peace Walker so I'm really excited!. Me and my nieces also bought a Japanese carbonated beverage which had a peculiar way of opening it which took us a while to figure out. turns out it has a cap where you need to push down on a plunger which pops a little ball stopper from the opening allowing it to be consumed. Honestly have to say if I needed to stop an Asian person to ask how to open those things I would of never heard the end of it... Especially since they had the directions in English right on the bottle! After that I mostly walked the malls for a few hours and checked out all the stores; found they have quite a nice Arcade there as well..  I stopped in the food court and looked over the restaurants and then how little money I had left.. $5 and kinda cringed cause i was growing hungry but didn't know if there was anything cheap enough for me to get. Also because while looking I found an authentic Asian restaurant with Ramen the way they have it made in the Naruto Anime and as much as I wanted some it was too rich for what was left in my wallet; so looking around I found a taco bell which had a few choices for those on a low budget as I am or that don't wanna spend a lot for lunch and settled on a triple burrito which came with a bag of Doritos chips and a Drink So I payed for my meal and waited and looked around at all the other restaurants while kinda wishing I had more money to spend.. Once i got my order I sat down to eat and no sooner that i did two ladies from separate tables asked if they could use chairs from the table I was sitting at which I was kind enough not to mind, I mean honestly no one else is using them right? Well while one lady grabbed a chair to actually sit on, the other used it to place her bags on.. I mean the floor although probably dirty is just as fine a place to place your bags of bought items honey lol! But like I said; i didn't let it get to me. And with only a dollar left and ditching my trash in the bin I went off to find my nieces wondering where they went off to when I spotted one of those prize machines, the ones that are usually rigged to take your money.. Well I seen they had an Ipod, a PlayStation Vita, and some other electronics so I thought I'd give it a go, Never know I might stroke lucky. I got the left position set and was working on getting the height right when i let go and it just barely got in the hole but just lightly tapped the side of the hole and said I failed... Bah >_<  It turns out I also circled the entire mall as well and found myself back where I started in the FYI store where I got the game and went in to look around and ask if both cds came with my purchase. While there I spotted a game system that would of allowed me to be able to not only play my classic nintendo games i had collected but also my Sega games as well... Unfortunately I no longer have the games... Double bah! My brother eventually picked me and his kids up and and we got back home talking about the mall on the drive back.. Felt good doing something for a change ! :3

accident, xbox, metal gear, steam, japan, stupidity, soda, dc universe, mall, scooter, father's day

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