Well, I have been a really busy girl lately. I have been on and off the phone for a few days with DeVry University Online. I have payed the application fee and I am going to school. I believe my classes will start on August 31st if I get all the paperwork done. If not, then I don't know when classes start again. I think after winter, though I also have to call and ask if I can change my majors. I want to major in Computer Forensics, but I got a very good offer from my super part time boss. He said that if I take courses for Computer Graphics, he is going to pay for them. So, I will ask about that with my adviser on Monday.
Speaking of going to school, since I am going to need money I have been applying for Scholarships. I am in a contest where if I win, I can get $1000 towards my education. Help a dragon out and go vote for this picture. Please tell your friends to go vote for this. The contest is only picking 3 people to win this award. I hope that with the help of the fur community, I can be one of the three. Thank you all so much for the help.
http://www.brickfish.com/Pages/PhotosAlbums/PhotoView.aspx?picid=935201_28238857&=fast_myfavephoto_rv_PPIMEMAIL&isep=1&pbapi=2596015&pbvi=91875214 Oh, and voting is free. So, please help spread the word and go vote.