I saw The Lion King in 3D yesterday with my family. as for the movie, DUH, GREAT movie. i had forgot how many funny parts there where to this movie. the audience laughed more than i did! the guy next to me really seemed to be enjoying it:) it was sad when Mufasa died and i heard a little kid ask one of his/her parents, "what happened to the dad?" i teared up a few times for sure! i admit i would have cried more if i had been alone watching it.....
as for the 3D, it was good. not great, not bad, just good. some parts of the movie you could tell very well and it looked nice. some parts, you could barely tell. this was the first 2D to 3D conversion movie i have seen; i assume it is like this for most movies like this(?)
as for new merchendise; i want the adult Simba plush from the Disney Store and the t-shirt; yes ADULT LK shirt!! i think i will end up paying full price for this to make sure i get it. we went to the DS yesterday before the movie and they had all plush any size buy one get one free! so of course they where out of all LK plush but a few young Simba plush. :( :( the t-shirt was out too! i ask a CM about the plush and they checked to see if Chandler Mall had one. nope. so they gave me a coupon for free shippipng on the DS website! i likely will use it on the shirt:) i also need to go by Subway because they have reuseable bags for the kids meals along with a $5 off coupon for the dvd/blu ray! i hope to pre-order it this week at the DS so i can get the lithographs and the coupon($10 off any purchase and $20 off of $40). i plan to use it on Cars 2 and with Cars 2 there are lithographs and another coupon! i likely will use the second coupons on Christmas ornaments. i saw them on the website and there are 2 for sure i want(LK and Dalmations). maybe a few others......i know Walmart has LK stuff too, but i haven't been there yet.....
that's it for LK. GO SEE IT IN THEATERS!! let Disney know we want to see the older movies back in theaters! :D