tpdays typo blog

Nov 17, 2005 00:03

went to work. alarm didnt go odd.
I came in sa little late/ but not late nough for anyone to notice.
at work I didnt get anything at all done. I mean AT ALL. ok si I watched Photo. I mean did photo. I mean ran photo. were busy in photo tday. but no freight was to be done. and as for toy reset. you can forget about that. Ill be lucky if I get all my freight out before the NEXT truct comes.
the OASOS. today was the putluck. Valerie came and thats about it as far as my friends/fmily. Brian worked till 10. Kiran didnt pick up phone Dad apparently just sorta copped out.forgot. even tho val reminded him. guy overworked himself and didnt have energy to come.
then got into argument with my best friend brian while at coffee. ended up hanging up on him and telling him to not come. not in that order. Il be surpried if all my gay friends with crushed on him ever see him again. ah well what the fuck ever., van you tall Im not in a great mood? at OASOS tho at the potluck, it was okay. I ate and was cool. people there were neat. specifically Charles, sho gave me a bigass hug when he daw me. at the end he looked at the one sketchbok I brought. I shoulda brotugh both but what the fuck ever, I was late for ork and didnt have time to think of it. hell I didnt even remember tonight was the potluck intil over halfway thru work,. I got off a lil warly to o to OASOS. I was checuled until 6 but I got permission to leave. leave early that is.
anyways at coffee, everone left before Brian even got off work. Kiran vcame tho, but also missed everyone excet for me Andy and Magna. Magne that is. alking arounf Peal we ran into max. hugg ensued. later Stefan showed up. that was okay only I was in a shitty mood due to lots of stuff but at the time mostly due to my argument with Brian. hugging max made me feel better, until I did it at the wrong time. why I forgot he bought coffee I dont know but I got the sudden urge to glomp him. it ended up getting coffee everyehere and my shitty mood returned 10fold. I walked back to my car. drove hom. almost cried in the car for no reason at all. got home while driving 5 under the speed limit and feeling like a retarded ass. and now Im shoosing to not edit out a single typo. even the ones I automcatically fix I chance back to typo. good luck reading this entry.
what the fuck ever.

day, depression, rut

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