2020 Wrap Up

Dec 31, 2020 17:24

Well, 2020 is less than 8 hours from being over (at least here at Dunwich Abbey). And boy has it been one hell of a corker. Not going to do a major run down, because in that way lies depression cycles. Nor am I going to plan for the future, as well chaos is reigning and my skills at prognostication are about as good as always. So, here's some random foo from the year.

Finally got my ass moved. Signed a 2nd lease for another year. Still not all unpacked, but it's not been the most energetic year here. Still beats the old place.

Recommended with some friends I'd lost contact with, stayed in contact with other friends, and met some new friends. Definitely a net postive there.

Had a long dry patch when it came to reading, definitely bought a lot more books than I read. I'm slowly getting back into the reading vibe, which is good because there's been a lot of good books this year. Lots more sceheduled for next year as well. Hopefully at some point I can get more bookshelves in here without worrying about it being a plague vector.

Not a lot else that's sanity safe. Health is ok, I really could be doing better, but well this is the year where 'good enough' is really 'great'. Mental health dropped some, but it's mostly been steady at a kind of lower level, again given the situation, it's a win.

So yeah, that's my very short, very shallow thoughts on 2020. My plans for 2021 are about the same as the last 9 months. Stay safe, wait til it's my turn to get a vaccine, keep my friends safe, and hopefully some time in 2021 get to do more of the things I enjoy outside of Dunwich Abbey. So here's to the future, may it be gentle to us all.

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