Happy Solstice everyone, and Good World Cup!

Jun 21, 2014 20:28

Obligatory icon is obligatory.

So my original plan for The Straw Man Fallacy (the Sherlock/The Wicker Man crossover) was to begin posting at Beltane (achieved) and finish it all up by Summer Solstice (failed). But Chapters 6 and 7 are cranking right along, the story is nudging the 30K mark - and Chapter 6 is action-packed. Chapter 7 is full of delicious anticlimactic exposition (which is Sherlock's favorite part, not mine).

I would feel worse about the failure of my self-imposed deadline BUT! Here's the thing. I write by longhand a lot, in cheap Moleskine knockoffs - at work, in coffeeshops, in diners and bars, on the bus and the train and while waiting for such. I just filled one up a couple days ago, one I started in November or so, and it contains notes for the following:

1. The Corsair of Carcosa (Good Omens/The King In Yellow/Cthulhu Mythos/Sandman crossover).

2. The sequel to The Bone Fiddle, still in progress. (More of this than anything else, that thing's a monster!)

3. Spit, Don't Swallow (Sherlock AU, Bone-Fiddle verse, Sherlock/John. I'm pretty sure this is the only chewing-tobacco-spit-kink fic to be found for this pairing, and frankly, writing something unique for them at this point is an achievement to be proud of.)

4. Goldengrove Unleaving (The Hobbit, Galadriel/Gandalf. This one got a huge comment thread at Porn Battle, and inspired the lovely luzula to do a Quenya translation of the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem I filched the title from.)

5. Start Me Up (Sherlock, Sherlock/Molly/John. NECROPHILIA ROLEPLAY. My favorite thing about this is that it's sweet little Molly who's the kinky freak; the boys are just GGG.)

6. Polar Vortex (The Dresden Files, Harry Dresden/Thomas Raith. HUMBOLDT PARK REPRESENT. I got to set incestuous wizard/vampire porn two blocks from my house, aww yiss.)

7. Darkness Alone is Worshipful (The Silmarillion, Sauron/Ar-Pharazôn. Still can't get enough of Tolkien villain porn.)

8. Genetic Markers (Sherlock, Sherlock/Mary/John. Started as a Porn Battle one-shot and grew legs. It was fertile. Pregnant with possiblities)

9. Tempestuous. An original story I'm not at liberty to say much about yet, but it is historical fantasy fiction, and it's f/f sex-magick erotica.

10. The Straw Man Fallacy (Sherlock/The Wicker Man)

That's right. In the last seven months, I've written, or at least worked on, 10 different stories, in handful of different fandoms, plus original. I think that's about the most prolific I've ever been. Half of them were Porn Battle-inspired. Gods bless Porn Battle (another thing that LJ/Dreamwidth excels at).

I'm also kind of pleased that precisely 90% of these stories are NC-17. Not only am I productive, I'm filthy. Come celebrate with me until my chatty roommate goes to bed and I can absorb myself writing yet more porn.

my fic, writing, recap

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