Lessons learned from rock festivals? I don't care how hot it is, it's still physically impossible for me to stay grumpy while Sonic Youth is playing. Even if it's not one of their best nights.
Also: strapless bras are great in theory, but there must be some art to wearing them that I have never mastered, because I've never found one that doesn't migrate towards my waist, dragging my boobs down with it and making them look saggy when they aren't, and isn't that the very opposite of what a bra is supposed to do?
Appropos of nothing, from "Old Possum's Book of IMpractical Cats": I'm in love with
these guys. Little cuddly kits are great but I want a Viking lynx!
I've written three more birthday drabbles, all of a crossovery flavo[u]r.
A GO/HP drabble (Minerva thinks that angel's got a little Slytherin in him!) For
signifier (who I get to see in August!):
J.K. Rowling via J.L. Borges - Snape and the Aleph (also owes a conceptual debt to "The Three Versions of Judas")
blueeyedtigress (who I get to see tomorrow!):
GO/LOTR - Aziraphale and Crowley having a cuppa with Frodo Productive? I think so.