Old Man

Oct 02, 2007 22:31

Title: Old Man
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: one shot drabble
Fandom: FFX
Pairing: Auron/Rikku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, AUish
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do not own Auron, Rikku, or FFX. This is purely fictional.
Summary: Written for 15_minute_fic. Auron loved to tease Rikku, and Rikku loved to tease Auron.

Rikku had to giggle to herself. Seeing Auron walking around with a limp, but still refusing to use a cane, was just too funny to her. Rikku covered her mouth with her hand but a small giggle noise still managed to escape. Auron shot her a look from across the kitchen as he took a seat at the table.

“I cannot believe that you hurt yourself,” Rikku said. “What did pops do to you?” Auron did not say anything. Whenever he did not answer, that always annoyed Rikku; it always got her into one of her little fits. Now she was glaring at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

Auron smirked to himself. At least she’s not giggling anymore, he thought to himself. In truth, Auron liked the way she would get so worked up over everything that he did and said, or in this case what he did not say. He liked the way that she cared for him. But, there were some times when he regretted playing with her, like that time when he found her sobbing in the bathroom shortly after they had moved in together. Auron felt chills just thinking about it.

He looked over and noticed that Rikku was now making herself busy with making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She had her usual happy smile on. Despite his limp leg he got up from the table and mad his way over to the carefree young woman. Rikku looked up as she licked a bit of peanut butter off of her finger. She tilted her head and smiled at Auron. “Old man.”

Auron smirked at the comment, and then leaned over the kitchen counter and kissed her.

au, auronxrikku, pg13, het, fluff, english, ffx

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