I still have all the screenshots from VLC! So I guess all my work is not lost. And This time I can just make an action set for the color adjustments but ffff all my work :|!!!
Benedict Cumberbatch is not allowed to be this attractive. By which I mean HE MUST NEVER STOP.
And seriously, Katy is you and you are she. It is craziness. Some day I will get the two of you to meet in person and you will geek out over Due South and White Collar and Supernatural and Merlin and Sherlock until you are both blue in the face.
And katmaxwell's dance mix
And then I clicked through to katmaxwell's post and realized we ARE the same person. o_O
And seriously, Katy is you and you are she. It is craziness. Some day I will get the two of you to meet in person and you will geek out over Due South and White Collar and Supernatural and Merlin and Sherlock until you are both blue in the face.
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