So new job started today! It was awesome and went along pretty smoothly. The office is really laid back, my coworkers seem to posses a reasonable degree of Seattle geek and overall I think I'll fit in well. I realized on the way back from my break that I am fairly certain that I work across the street from
miss_arel. There will have to be lunches in the future!
I've also realized that having an hour long lunch break again, I should really find some way to do something productive with that time. At the moment I'm rolling between the idea of bringing my netbook and writing on it and just putting my nose down and reading stuff which leads me to the following:
Rec Me Books
Rec me a book, any book! It can be a comic book, philosophy book, scifi, fantasy, whatever! I want to expand what I read so I'm looking for some good recommendations on what my friends are reading.
(As a footnote, my most recent scifi/fantasy read is Temeraire, I'm quasi in the middle of reading Sandman, and also working on reading Marcuse's One Dimensional Man just to give you an idea of stuff I've read)