So it's been over a month since I've updated my journal! HOLY CRAP!
As such, I bring you a meme:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose. If you want, you can talk about your icons in the comment to this post rather than make a separate one of your own.
OPTIONAL: 3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
OPTIONAL: 4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
First! From
puella_nerdii Shoebox icon! The Shoebox Project still remains my favorite piece of Sirius/Remus fanwork OF ALL TIME and it spawned some damn epic text-only icons. This one is quoting Remus, when he is having the dumbfounded realization that Sirius was using rocks as a metaphor for him in their tumultuous adorable boys romance. I use it mostly for moments of "Yeah this is kind of what it's like to be awkward people, but we're all human" type stuff. It's a very comforting icon. It gives me warm fuzzies.
Icon made for me by
mercuria because text-only icons are sexy. This was back when I was still in school and had homework to procrastinate on. Which I did, liberally. I think one night we were having a conversation where I may have uttered something to the effect of "Viva la anti-homework revolution!" Because man, tedious homework can go do itself.
One of my own icons! ♥ Akito from Air Gear. I will be shameless and admit that even if his storylines are like pulling crack-addled madlibs from a hat, I adore Oh!Great's art. I iconed this on a whim one day when I was just iconing a bunch of his stuff and I'm still really proud of it. It makes a good "Hm" and "I think that..." type icon.
I can't believe I still have this icon up. Squalo from Reborn here in a doujin scan. I cannot even for the life of me remember the context of the doujin, but his face in combo with the keywords is entirely the reason why I made this icon. It also makes a good "WTF" icon.
Another warm fuzzy icon, it's Tokitoh in his Executive Committee incarnation! I also made this one myself, coloring and all. I'm ridiculously proud of it because I like the colors and the crop of the icon (I really enjoy oddly cropped icons) Also the face he's making here is just adorable especially when you consider that he's making it at Kubota and ee. My fangirl heart ♥
Second! From
adesso England~! This is one I self-colored from a hoshitamago doujin. I adore hoshitamago and coloring her art is insane amounts of fun. This one was fun to color because the argyle pattern was actually in the background of the scan, so I had fun coloring over the stripes properly XD The keywords also allude to my utter adoration of hoshitamago's sock fetish and the Flight of the Conchords song "Business Time." It's also a nice icon to use when I'm feeling tsundere at life.
My EBZ icon for Daphne which . . . I haven't used in forever because I haven't had time to pop over to
deliciousfriend and RP much. :D;; But it's a crop from a larger image that I cannot for the life of me locate at the moment! But it was a bunch of vials with poisonous plants and such in them which was perfect for Daphne, given her backstory. My only regret is that I couldn't get more of the original image into the crop.
Goku from Saiyuki! Another instance of me just playing around and making icons with art I liked, I made this one on a whim and it's stuck around as a sort of D: face icon. The coloring on it has a hilarious story because I kept on making blue-green icons so I asked someone what color I should make my next one and they said "Orange!" Hence, it is orange.
Roxas icon made for me by
mercuria. The KH II opening sequence was so pretty. Also I love Roxas ♥ I don't use this one very much anymore, but it's a nice icon to use for introspection and slightly-emo posts.
In other news, for those not in the know JET wait-listed me again this year. I'm on the CIR waitlist instead of the ALT one, which is an improvement! But I'm still waiting to get my FBI background check back so who knows how long that'll be until I can just send them all the paperwork they need and be done with it.
My current contract is coming up in July and, since I'm planning on pursuing grad school next fall, I will not be taking the opportunity to convert to full time. Mostly because I would still like to be able to use Real as a reference in the future. I am, however, working through my current contracting organization in hopes of finding something else to do. So, fingers crossed, I will be able to find another year-long contract position at a tech company in the area.
Though a realization that I am coming to as I rework my resume pursuant to this goal is that when you work for a decently sizable tech company for a year, the tools that you're using are by and large going to be tools that were developed by and for said tech company. So it feels really weird to list them on my resume because I am not at all sure if people reading my resume are going to know what in the world I'm talking about.
Also I have been studying for the GRE. And I am going to go do some more of that right now.