UK: 2 years of discrimination against autistic boy

May 02, 2011 14:09

Janet Weil, formerly of Wales, filed official complaints with the Flintshire County Council after discovering that Brynford Primary School was not accommodating her autistic son's needs.

Oliver Ainsworth, 7, has communication issues.  Without accomodations, his mom says, he was unable to function in school. He developed mental health issues so serious he had to leave school for six months.

After a long delay in dealing with the case, the council finally agreed that Oliver "was discriminated against on the grounds of his disability by the school in almost all aspects".

Because of the delay in processing, Welsh authorities ordered the council to apologize to Oliver's family and award them a monetary settlement.  The council says they have apologized, but Weil says they haven't yet.

This was not the first time Oliver had encountered poor treatment in the community.  When he was 5, his family enrolled him in public swim lessons at Holywell Leisure Centre in Brynford. Weil says Oliver's swim instructors didn't accommodate his communication difficulties and left him out of activities, even after she explained his needs.  In that case, after another long delay, the county council finally placed Oliver at another centre at no cost. He learned to swim in a few weeks:

Oliver's family has since moved to the U.S., where his mom says their lives are "much better".

united kingdom, education

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