These screencaps are from "Day of the Dove."
It was kind of an amazing episode, so I went crazy on the "prt scrn" button.
I deffinitely could have captured more but I didn't realize until after a certain point how amazing this episode was.
By the way, craziest Scotty moment ever...besides when he died of happiness....
Spock complained about how he is annoyed by human emotions and Scotty just shouts
"Then transfer, you freak!"
xD Of course he was under the influence of that alien, but still.
Off to bed Chekov.
Chekov makes me happy in my pants.
Spock is not amused.
Well that was basically it. That episode was so incredible....
Oh and I thought this was purty:
The original series is so beautiful with all its crazy colors...
I've realized that no matter what, no matter who I lose, who ends up hating me in the end, what I become in life, I will always have Star Trek. It's always there, nothing will ever change about that.
If all else fails there's always my GQMFs to keep me satisfied. ^_^