Sep 12, 2009 07:19
So the great news is PoliSciGuy got a job as an independent contractor working on the upcoming NV Lt Govn Race. This is his four compaing season and his resume is getting rather impressive - so they keep paying him more, which is great. The bad news is he's about 6'1" and has a 28" waist and very lanky arms and legs and needs basically a new wardrobe. He needs nice jeans and button down shirts and slacks and dress shirts. I told him last night I'd go with him to go shopping but there is no where in reno where you can even by a 30" off the rack and have it be long enough in the leg, so you end up tailoring everything. So if there are places in Cali where we can go buy him a new wardrobe please let me know and we'll make a weekend trip of it!