May 09, 2011 12:42
...To anyone who knew Sylvia van Hossen, she's been sent back to her own world.
[He sounds more terse about delivering this than he normally would. Delivering several of these messages over the past few months like this has left him rather tired of doing it. Still, to anyone who knows him, he's probably more upset than he's letting on. Adell also really is not looking forward to delivering this news to Charlotte whenever she returns.]
[At some point later in the day, Adell will be in the battle dome, doing two things. The first thing Adell does when he gets there is the first thing he always does on days like this. Find a simulator, get in there, and beat the crap out of whatever simulated bad guys he feels like fighting. People are more than welcome to watch or see if they can join in with him.
After he gets done working out a lot of pent-up frustration, he can be seen in the Battle Dome lobby with a measuring tape and notebook that's already filled with data as it is. What could he be up to, anyway?]