051 Special [Action]

Apr 26, 2011 20:32

[Action - Sunset/Early Night]

[It's been a few days since the tournament, and his subsequent exhibition battle with Sylvia.  All this time, all this fighting, and it was finally over.  Well, for the moment at least.  And following a bit of a sleepless night, he was finally ready.  He's dressed normally, though he's wearing the green tie Charlotte ( Read more... )

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hazelrink April 27 2011, 21:52:22 UTC
[Awesome, walking now! The walk is nice and the night air is good too - after that big dinner it feels like a bit of extra work (she helped make it so she's quite full for eating) but. If Adell proposed it he must have something in mind for her, right?]


vulcanblazer April 27 2011, 22:36:42 UTC
[He's full too, having gorged himself quite heavily (though nowhere near as much as Stahn). The night air was cool and refreshing, and the quiet was a nice change from the chaos of having her family over. Walking arm-in-arm with her, he steered north, ambling along one of the paths. He's not going too fast... both from being full and from butterflies in his stomach.]

You really outdid yourself tonight, Charle. Thanks.


hazelrink April 28 2011, 02:03:14 UTC
You're welcome - I'm just glad everyone had a good time.

[With a little smile. It is nice to be thanked though, even if it is sort of a gimmie such as this situation]


vulcanblazer April 28 2011, 02:34:39 UTC
So am I. Your family's a lot of fun, so long as they're not trying to beat me down in the meantime.

[The last part's said mirthfully. He can take it, he just likes to tease.]


hazelrink April 28 2011, 17:10:40 UTC
At least daddy doesn't pick fights with you?



vulcanblazer April 28 2011, 18:02:20 UTC
[He laughs.]

Yeah, lucky for me. Those fights are more for training than proving anything.

[He looks ahead on the path. They're not too far away now, and his stomach sinks a bit. Honestly, he shouldn't be worried. He fought through her whole family countless times and endured stress and injuries that would break normal men. And most demons.

This, however, was making his heart beat faster. But walking with her, being with her just made him happy. And he was never more sure about anything in his life.]

And he always surprises me how much he can pack away. [Though he rubs his own stomach.] ...Then again, I shouldn't be talking.


hazelrink April 29 2011, 04:51:34 UTC
Hehe~ Not really, no. He's the king, but I guess that makes you the prince of eating. [Not that she's too much of a slouch herself, but this isn't about her or her girlish figure. She notices Adell is a little off, but he no doubt has some reason he'll bring up soon enough.

She actually suspects what it is]


vulcanblazer April 29 2011, 05:18:48 UTC
[It's not really a surprise that she does. Adell's sort of transparent, and after winning his 100th victory against Sylvia in the tournament, the timing's certainly suspect.

Either way, he leads her up to path to the grove of cherry blossoms. These trees bloomed year-round, it seemed. But he slows his gait as they draw close to the trees.

...Adell pauses here, looking lost in thought. This was one of the first places he and Charlotte went together to be alone in this timeline. And though he never admitted it, the pale blossoms reminded him of her. So it was here he figured would be the best place...]

Charle, hold on a second.


hazelrink April 29 2011, 13:25:17 UTC
[She blinks, nods, and then stops obediently, turning to him after brushing a bit of hair out of her face. Her heart starts to beat a little faster, now that was she's been expecting out of Adell seems like it might now be at hand. She surprises herself because in addition to the excitement, she's also a little nervous.]


[1/3] vulcanblazer April 29 2011, 18:38:16 UTC
[Adell gently separates himself from the arm lock, and looks up to the trees in front of them.

He lowers his voice some too.]

I've always wondered why these trees bloomed all year round. They've always been here, like this. They peak like normal trees, but they never lose their color.

[He shakes his head a little.]

I remember the first time we came here together like this.


[2/3] vulcanblazer April 29 2011, 19:05:11 UTC
It was a couple years ago now. We wanted to get away from the noise and just talk. So we sat under that tree until the sun set.

[He's still looking away from her as he takes a step closer to the trees. His voice grows quieter again, reflective.]

...It was that day that I really fell in love with you. Of course, other people had things to say about that. For good reason. I get really overprotective of my family too, and I know it.

[And his voice picks back up to his normal tone, though a bubbling energy is building up, fed by anxiousness. Come on, you're almost there.]

...But I knew what I felt. And I've never questioned it for a moment.


[3/3] vulcanblazer April 29 2011, 19:09:33 UTC
[Adell turns around to face her slowly.]

I love you, Charlotte. And... uh...

[Adell isn't sure how to proceed as any sense of eloquence leaves him as a blush takes hold on his face. ...So, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a clamshell box. He then drops to a knee, and opens the box, presenting a ring to her.]

Will you marry me?


1/2 hazelrink April 30 2011, 00:53:32 UTC
[It is bad that the first thing that crosses her mind once her starts is hah, I knew it? She watches him go about his speech in silence, thinking back to that time fondly. She was still getting over losing her husband that - it has been some of the last days of when she thought she would never date again, actually. Adell had renewed her - had invigorated her in a way that he boys couldn't, even if she wanted them to. And that alone she owes him everything for. The world seems so much brighter with him in it.

...And once he gets to end, well. She knows where this story goes, but how he finishes still takes her by surprise. She's not sure why: It's so Adell to finish like that. But she still feels her heart about to burst and smiles as wide as she can despite knowing it was coming]


2/2 hazelrink April 30 2011, 00:54:52 UTC
[...And she nods]

Yes, of course it's yes you silly boy. [...And despite herself she giggles a bit]

I've been waiting a long time for mommy to tell you it's okay, I've been waiting to welcome you into that part of my life! Of course I'll marry you, Adell! I've been waiting for this moment!


[1/2] vulcanblazer April 30 2011, 01:15:42 UTC
[When she nods, he beams brightly, his heart fluttering in his chest. And he rises up to his feet, despite feeling like his heart would burst out at any given moment. He hasn't felt so... elated in his life before.

When she finishes, he gently takes her hand and slides the engagement ring on her finger.]

Charle... I...


[2/2] vulcanblazer April 30 2011, 01:16:52 UTC
[He just can't find any more words. But he doesn't want them. He steps just a little closer to her, and pulls her into a tender, loving kiss.]


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