[It's that time of year again. You know the one. Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Adell will have gone around to a lot of homes or other places with gifts he got for people. They're all wrapped, actually rather well this year. But he'll make sure to instruct people not to open their gifts until the morning of the 25th. For people that live outside his house, he probably included a note with it too, just like last year.
If you're looking to thank him, he'll be at House 44 most of the day. Come and knock on their door. Though he will get to his journal eventually.
Be warned. Massive Text Wall Approaching.]
His Housemates:
Mom: Mom gets a Devil Ring, which is an Emblem from the Netherworld. It's a very nice gold ring. She also gets a new flute. When played, its tone is excellent.
Charlotte: She gets a Jenga game. It looked fun when he found it in the store. Also, she gets a cute pair of penguin slippers. And the last gift she gets is a
silver bracelet, lined with sapphires.
Luka: Luka's first gift is a little toy
Tachikoma. It's fully poseable Luka's main gift, though, is what Adell got from the statue: A fully loaded Mp3 player with a wide variety of songs, a docking station for it to connect into a set of speakers, and a special pair of high quality headphones. What makes these headphones special is that they have a special Netherworld flair. Coming out of the ear pieces are plastic ornamental demon wings which stick out behind the wearer's head.
Sylvia: Sylvia gets a Netherworld Emblem, which is a Dark Rosary. In addition, Adell's picked up by now how much she likes her sword, so he got her supplies to help maintain it and keep it in good shape.
Patchouli: Patchouli gets several boxes of unusual teas, but in addition, she gets a few books on the Netherworld, one of which is a fairly detailed bestiary.
Koakuma: Koakuma will get a nice heavy winter coat, in a deep, dark shade of red. Also, she'll get a snorkel set for when the weather turns better, and then a cute little cartoony bat plushie.
Meiling: Meiling gets a Netherworld Power Belt (which should increase her strength a little bit), and a new pair of fighting gloves.
Sakuya: The Elegant and Perfect Maid gets a fine Netherworld dagger. If there's one thing demons do well, it's make weapons, and it should show in it. She also gets a new knife sharpener.
Remilia: Remilia gets a very well made chess set, with a board made out of heavy, quality wood and pieces made of fine, but solid glass.
Flandre: Flandre gets Legos, in an assortment of colors and sizes with a bunch of other random pieces for constructing vehicles or whatever else the little vampire can think of.
Terra: Terra's gift is a scale model of an airship, done up to look as much like the Blackjack as Adell could remember. Additionally, there's a pair of gold earrings in there with dark green emeralds in them.
Dear Terra,
I'll be honest... I didn't expect to be here for another Christmas. But... you know, I'm definitely not upset about it. The year's been really busy and it's really had its ups and downs. ...And I wanted to thank you for sticking with me through all of it. If there's been one person out there I know I've been able to count on this whole time, it's been you. Thank you, Terra. Really.
As for your gifts... they were just things I saw and figured you like. One of them might not be perfect, but... I hope you like it!
Etna: Etna gets a box of Sea of Gehenna Chocolates, a box of Veldime's special maple candy, a skull attachment accessory for her neck ring, and a brand new Master Axe.
I doubt you'd care much for this holiday, honestly. But I figured if nothing else you might enjoy the free presents. Enjoy.
Noel: Noel gets a stuffed
Prinny and a stuffed
Holy Dragon. In addition, in another box, a wooden one, with latches and hinges, is a Netherworldian Laser Blade. It appears as just a handle at first, but if a switch is flipped on, a green beam of energy will form a blade, much like a lightsaber. The note is attached to the outside of this case, marked as "read first."
Dear Noel,
Merry Christmas! i hope you like what I picked out for you. In this box is something very special from the Netherworld. It's called a Laser Blade, a special sword. It's lightweight, easy to use, and powerful. Make sure you're not pointing it at anything when you turn it on. I know you've got your own weapons that you like, but... it never hurts to have something to back those up. And as a backup weapon... you probably won't find better.
...The other two presents aren't nearly as serious and are more fun. I hope your Christmas is a happy one. If anyone deserves it, it's you.
Stahn: Stahn gets a bunch of Netherworld snacks and prepackaged meals. Additionally, he gets a much bigger package. In it is a charcoal barbecue grill.
Stahn -
What can I say, man. We've had a really busy year. Drafts, earthquakes, flaming trees, flesh eating butterflies, the summon swarm, our ship being stolen, who knows what else... you've really been a stalwart friend through all of it. Thanks. I'm lucky to have you as a friend and as First Mate in the Blue Rogues. Here's to another year, and hoping it'll be a smooth one.
Sonic: Sonic gets a pair of heavy winter gloves and a new scarf.
Sonic -
Another Christmas here. Thanks for being around man, and thanks for being such good friends to me and Terra. I really appreciate it.
Nami: Nami gets a navigational sextant. Though its arc is reinforced with brass, much of the rest of the device is made out of polished silver and gold. It's as much a tool as it is a piece of treasure...
I can't thank you enough for everything you've done, especially watching out for Noel. I know things have been tough these past few months. But you've been great through all of it. Don't forget that if you ever need anything is to give me a call.
Flynn: Flynn gets a heavy blue and gold cloak, meant to fit over armor and be warm in the winter.
Sheena: Sheena gets a nice winter purple coat, along with a pair of armguards. The guards themselves are made of a light steel, but the armbands are padded to be reasonably comfortable.
Sheena -
Now, I know a good ninja should never have to worry about her opponent striking her back, but sometimes things just don't go as planned. Armor isn't really your style, I know, but I figured these might do the trick if things ever go wrong. And if nothing else, you can bash someone with them too! And well, the other thing is just because I thought it looked nice and figured you'd like it.
Keiichi: Keiichi gets a new paintball gun.
Dear Keiichi,
Y'know, I thought about getting you a lot of different things. But I remembered hearing somewhere that you liked these things. So I figured I'd get you one. It might be a bit too cold to make use of it now, but... when the spring comes, give it a go!
Rena: Rena gets a Netherworld Dragon plushie, and a little Prinny Statue, where the Prinny is saluting as heroically as it can manage.
Rena -
All things considered, I know Luceti might not be the best place in the multiverse to end up, but I'm really glad to see you here again, Rena. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. It's what friends are for.
Erza: Erza gets a Netherworld Crystal Sword. It's an unusual blade, and despite its appearance, it will not break when used. It's magical, like that.
Erza -
I know, I know. A sword's not exactly an original gift for someone who seemingly has hundreds of them. But this blade's from the Netherworld, and even though it may look fragile, it's as tough as any steel sword. Possibly tougher. That said, it's an unusual weapon, which I thought was fitting for someone with such a unique way of fighting. I hope you like it.
Rydia: Rydia gets a new winter cloak, in green, of course. In addition, she gets a messenger bag style thing. It's actually padded on the inside... good for transporting valuables, breakables, or someone's journal.
Dear Rydia,
Hope you'll find these useful. I saw the cloak and thought about you. Figured you might like it. As well, this bag might be useful to you. From what I've noticed, storing your journal in it makes it less likely to record you accidentally. Dunno if it's perfect, but hopefully it'll prove useful.
Minato: A couple of novels.
Saber: Saber gets a new pair of ice-cleated boots. In addition, she gets a blank shield that's clearly meant for display purposes, along with several different lacquering materials.
Don't take the boots the wrong way. I just hope they're helpful. But as for the shield, I know you said you were a knight. Always thought knights were cool, and I figured they usually had their own coat of arms, right? Well, I figured you might like to remake yours. I hope you like it.
Shirayuki: Shirayuki will get packets of several different Netherworld flower seeds, as well as a microscope.
Tsubaki: Tsubaki gets a relatively nice, but simple bracelet and some chocolate.
Tsubaki -
Honestly, I thought about seeing if I could make this into a parfait. I don't know how much you actually like those, given how screwy the last experiment was. But either way. I hope you like it and the other gift.
Vash: Vash gets a do-it-yourself donut maker. Unfortunately for him, it only allows donuts to be made a handful at a time.
Guy: Guy gets a bottle of fine Netherworld Tequila. For when he really needs to get smashed in a hurry.
Lyn: Lyn gets a couple of novels, and a ceramic figurine of a horse rearing up in a dramatic pose.
Dear Lyn,
You know, I'm still grateful for a lot of the stuff you've done both for and with me. And I'm really glad you decided to join the Rogues, personally. Through all of this, I know I can count on you. And I just wanted to say you can count on me too, if you ever need anything.
Fenimore: Fenimore gets beads of various colors and the supplies to work with them. Apparently he remembered the time she was working on a big project. She may not have been the best at it, but she looked like she genuinely enjoyed it.
Winry: Winry gets a new socket wrench set with plenty of interchangeable heads to work with various sizes.
Litchi: Litchi gets a new stethoscope with a bit of a Netherworld flair. Between the bell and the diaphragm are a pair of removable demon wings. Additionally, there's another small package addressed to Lau Jiu, which is a small bundle of bamboo. Someone did his homework.
Dear Dr. Faye-Ling,
I... really can't begin to thank you for everything. You've really come through when we've needed you. I'm especially grateful of you looking after Flandre during that experiment. Thankfully, when the experiment ended, so did her bout with that disease. She's back to normal now. You've done a lot for me and my friends. So if you ever need something, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help.
Kain: Kain gets a set of training gloves and a full sized punching bag.
Kain -
I know you've been going through a lot of rough times, man. Just stay strong and roll with everything. Don't let it all get you down. And with any luck, this should help you with that. Just hang it up and if you need to blow off some steam, just punch it a bunch. I've done stuff like this before and it's always worked. Hopefully it'll work for you too.
Celty: Celty gets a nice bottle of perfume.
Sanae: Sanae gets a well-tuned ocarina.
We might not always see eye to eye about things. But don't get the impression that I hate you or something. At any rate, I found this in the shops one day. I know you like various art stuff, but I guessed you might like it.