028 A Temporary Call To Arms [Voice] (Filtered from Hazama, Yuber, Kefka, and Aku 60%)

Jun 30, 2010 14:55

[Adell's voice will crackle to life over the journal here.  After speaking to Ragna here, he had agreed to assemble what people he could.  It sounds like he's reading a prepared speech; probably because he worked out what he needed to say ahead of time.]

People of Luceti, I have a request to make.  I'm sure some of you are aware of the abduction of Noel Vermillion at the hands of a man from her world named Hazama.   I've talked to several different individuals, including Captain Vyse of the Blue Rogues.  I'm proposing that a readiness force be gathered to combat the threat this man, Hazama, poses to the people of this village.

All information gathered suggests Hazama is an extremely powerful and dangerous foe.  Therefore, it is wiser for group action to be taken.  Volunteers who wish to be part of this force should have some seriously good combat ability and experience.   He is not a foe to be taken lightly, he cannot be left alone and must be dealt with by any means necessary.  His intentions for Noel Vermillion's kidnapping remain unknown, but it is unlikely he will stop at mere abduction.

We are not a mob.  Do not act like it.  Our purpose is to be ready to jump to the call at a moment's notice and be ready to fight.   Action will be taken when the time is appropriate and not before. Solo action against Hazama is not recommended; serious injury or death may result from such actions.  One of Hazama's known powers is the ability to possess bodies as well.    Careless action against this individual could lead to you being used as a puppet.   Anyone who has the ability to protect individuals from possession are strongly encouraged to assist us.

Volunteers need to contact me immediately.  This coalition needs numbers, unity, and strength to succeed.  Members of the Blue Rogues interested will answer to me directly, but will defer to Captain Vyse if he gives us orders.   When Hazama's imminent threat has passed, this coalition will stand down.

...That is all.
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