Star Trek Art (Part I)
This fandom is really not short of amazing artists. As a logical conclusion, I’ve put together a rec list for Trek art. Expect lots and lots of Kirk/Spock, but also other pairings and gen. This is Part I of the list and features mostly illustrations and fan videos. Part II will be focused on comics.
If there’s anything I’ve missed (and I’m sure of it!), please feel free to rec any art to me! I’ll update this list regularly.
Last updated: 3/03/2013. New illustrations: 22. New videos: 2.
This entry will not be updated anymore, because it seems I’ve reached the lj text limit. *shakes fist at the sky* I’ll rec new artwork in a new post (and I'll remove a few macros and repost them later on).
art by jou
TOS Spock/Reboot Kirk [NC-17-ish]
Wonderful style, and just so unf (if you like the pairing, which I do).
Space Can Be a Lonely PlaceGen. Aw, Spock is sad. Somebody please comfort him, pronto. D:
Pon FarrOMC/OMC. Extremely powerful depiction of two male Vulcans in pon farr (and no, it’s not pr0n...per se).
Finger Kiss and make upOMC/OMC. Follow-up to the previous picture. (Fluff!)
MeditationHeartbreakingly gorgeous. Features Jim, Spock Prime and unrequited love.
Sickbay FolliesKirk/McCoy. Features snarking!
InheritanceI'm squeeing so hard at this! And usually I'm not a fan of Kirk and Spock procreating, but just wonderfully colored and drawn.
Triad TriptychThis is simply amazing.
TravellingSpock/McCoy, abstract scene (planetside).
PlanetsideThe same (slightly less) blurred/abstract style. Labeled as OT3.
ImperfectSpock/McCoy. I beg to disagree - this is very much perfect.
What a DragKirk/Sulu. Cute!
UntitledKirk/Spock/Spock Prime (yeeeeees!). Stunning artwork, set in the Victorian era.
Space Pool PartyOT3. Sometimes in space, there are pool parties.
Space PicnicSpock/McCoy. Sometimes in space, there are picnics.
Captain's QuartersKirk/Spock. Has a desolate vibe to it, and I love it.
art by latenightarting
Fall Back (Give Up) [NC-17]
Kirk/Spock. You might need to take a shower after this. Just saying.
Sonic Pulse Vibrations [NC-17]
Kirk/Spock. I'm dead. Dead. The skin tones. The...the touch. UGH. UNF. DEAD.
Blind Sensation [NC-17]
Kirk/Spock. Almost sweet scene from a fic that is anything but.
Scientific Principles 102 [NC-17]
Expectant ManagementKirk/Spock, offspring. Is it strange to say that I like the flipflops most about this? Actually, I think it’s Jim’s entire outfit. He looks so relaxed and strangely vulnerable…(I’m not finding the right words. Mwah. Ignore me).
Engineering 101 [NC-17]
Well, Jim is one busy bee, that's for sure. Notice the rare deviation from form: this one is Kirk/Scotty.
Thermogenesis Kirk/Spock. A kiss.
Refractions Triptych Kirks/Spocks. Three universes, three different fates.
Vulcan/Human hybrid boyGen Spock. Endlessly gorgeous charcoal drawing - I love love love the style!
Pulse Kirk/McCoy. Bones' expression is so spot on.
Untitled [NC-17]
Kirk/Spock. Holy fucking unf.
Ante UpCrew gen. Wonderful scene depicting strip poker (you'll love the details!).
Winter Heat Kirk/Spock. Absolutely wonderful!
art by lizardspots
Cabin Boy [NC-17]
Bones/Chekov/Kirk threesome featuring DP.
Illogical Response [NC-17]
bb spockSpock gen. It's Spock in baby form. Like regular Spock, but smaller.
Last StandJim, McCoy gen. Don't worry, Jim is here to save the day.
Nailed [NC-17]
Kirk/McCoy. Bones is extemely hot in this. Jim doesn't show the same likeness, but overall this picture works.
Going Commando [NC-17]
Chekov/Sulu -> the picture is embedded in the story.
Unlisted Side Effects of Metacetamin-Derived Opiates [NC-17]
Kirk/McCoy -> the picture is embedded in the story.
Personal Physician [NC-17]
Kirk/McCoy. Oh god, I love this so much! Bones lends a helping hand.
art by lamamama
Gaze Up At The StarsKirk, Spock. Cracky fluff! I love Spock's annoyed expression!
Domestic Nonsense 2 and
Domestic Nonsense 3Kirk/Spock. In the artist's words: "Modern day AU domestic fluff." Wonderful modern day AU domestic fluff, I need to add! Some domestic scenes that make your insides melt like a marshmallow over a campfire. Sniff.
HANG IN THERE, SPOCKTOPUS Kirk, Spock. Featuring the SPOCKTOPUS. Really, the spocktopus. That's genius.
Girl Trek I,
Girl Trek II, and
More Girl TrekGen, entire crew (sans Uhura). Ever wondered what genderswapped Trek would look like? Wonder no more!
I'm a Doctor, Not a Wookiee Gen, Star Trek à la Star Wars. I think there's blasphemy in there somewhere, but at least it's entertaining blasphemy! Uhura is made of win win win, by the way. As is Bones.
Amanda, stop coddling the boySpock, Amanda. There needs to be more of this! Much more!
Forever BFFsKirk and Spock Prime, doing what's logical (that is, roasting marshmallows).
If You Like should put a ring on it. Bridge crew gen.
The One Where Kirk Is A KittySpock, kitten!Kirk. So adorable! (The eyes!)
Blame The TransporterCat OT3!
Most Glorious RainbowIt’s Kirk and Spock on a unicorn. Your argument is invalid.
Amok TimeKirk/Spock. Features creepy smugness.
Ample NacellesGen sketch. Why is Girl! Spock in a wetsuit the hottest thing ever?
Most Illogical SlumberpartyGen. I might not be too much of a Chibi fan, but this is pretty cute!
CREEPER LOVE IS DEEPER LOVEKirk, Chapel. Kirk and Chapel bond over mutal interests. Now what could that be?
Various sketchesAmanda shows baby pictures to Kirk. FTW.
We'll Stir The Stars AroundKirk, Spock. Something about this cracks me up in the best way possible. I think it's Kirk's feet!
art by kotorik
Commission Kirk/Spock. A Vulcan hand kiss.
Cowboy SpacemanKirk/Spock. Just a kiss, fantastic. Love the angle of Kirk's head.
Atlas CommissionKirk/Spock. I love this with all my heart. Spock holds Kirk in his arms.
TutorKirk/Spock. Beautiful.
Kiss It BetterSpock/McCoy. Exactly what it says on the label!
Opposites AttractKirk/Spock. Shirtless Kirk, pensive Spock. Business as usual.
Talk Nerdy To MeGen. Chibi Kirk.
ST 2009Kirk, Spock. Spock drags Jim along (where to? We may never know!).
McCoyGen. Academy era McCoy, being all adorable and (surprisingly) ungrumpy.
Ex astris scientiaOT3. A bit too de-aged for my liking, but beautiful nonetheless.
And Always Will BeKirk/Spock. Gorgeous kiss scene!
Star TrekKirk, Spock. Cute!
Batman vs SpockSpock will win this thing, I'm sure of it!
art by athew
My wayKirk/Spock. Interesting style.
Altair and VegasKirk/Spock. Made of win and magical fairy dust.
TOS SweetheartKirk/Spock. James T. Kirk, you old flirt...
ST fanbook coverKirk/Spock. Why is this not in my possession?
Mirror, MirrorKirk/Spock. Holy flailing grail, this is the most perfect mirror art ever!
Happy Spirk Day!Kirk/Spock. TOS and AOS.
The Past MemoryKirk/Spock Prime, Spock. Which young Vulcan doesn't get jealous when his older alternative timeline counterpart melds with his superior officer? Not this one, that’s certain.
ComfortGen, Kirk, OC. I'll be over in the corner, ugly-crying myself to sleep.
FarewellKirk/Spock Prime. What's not to love about Spock Prime and Kirk Prime?
With my soft friendSpock and I-Chaya. Adorable.
TOS old daysKirk/Spock. Highlights one of the most domestic episodes of TOS.
Pillowcase Kirk [R-ish]
For all the fanboys...
Pillowcase Spock [R-ish]
...and fangirls.
Star Trek Wallpaper50 years of Star Trek, from TOS to AOS. adorable kids.
HalloweenKirk/Spock. Spock is a vampire, Kirk is a werewolf. Not digging the Kirk mullet, everything else is fine.
art by TechnoRanma
Kirk/SpockKirk/Spock, side by (reluctant) side.
Star Trek into DarknessKirk/Spock on a mission.
Through Glass Kirk/Spock. Oh god. I will MELT if the film does it half as well...(or if he does it at all, which seems to be hugely debatable).
Always shall beKirk/Spock. Interesting style!
Captain KirkPortrait in shades of gold (works like a charm).
Star Trek TOSVery charming bridge crew gen (with a side dish of K/S).
Kirk/SpockThe jawline. The finger. One of my absoute favorite kiss drawings! EVER! IT'S AMAZING! LOOK AT IT!
art by emushi
Kirk's main worryI can’t possible tell you how much I love pencil drawings - and this one in particular.
TREKVery expressive!
At Home TownKirk gen. If you love horses and Star Trek, this one's for you.
BenevolentPortrait of McCoy.
On the bridgeKirk/Spock bridge awesomeness, featuring the infamous Vulcan blue eyeshadow!
Delineate the bridgeMore Kirk/Spock bridge awesomeness!
RelationshipKirk/Spock. Jim is so clearly smitten, it’s nothing short of adorable.
Cover yourself up CaptainI imagine that’s exactly what Spock wouldn’t say (unless there are other people present, in which case he probably throws himself in front of his Captain).
NO Mister SPOCK [NC-17]
Wow. Just wow.
K/SRight in the feelings!
Something in your eyes, Spock?Kirk/Spock. Just 0.543 sec before kissing each other.
The ThreeOT3 gen.
Spock's main worryA classic K/S scene.
Breakout 2 Also a classical K/S scenario.
Trilogy of TOS Kirk and Mirror Spock:
At the Mirror World,
IIII’m evil enough to enjoy this. A lot.
Before or AfterK/S, bedroom angst.
Kirk in his cabinKirk works the magic (bedroom eyes!).
ReminisceGen portrait of Kirk and his favourite girl.
The EnterpriseAnd one of that beauty all by herself.
Kirk and Spock for nowI love Kirk’s eye color.
Kirk is captured by Klingons:
The Prisoner,
Help me Spock,
Sadly reunion,
Spock saved his CaptainExcellent!
BewilderedI LOVE THIS.
art by CanneDeBonbon
FaaaaaaaaateKirk/Spock. Visualisation of the t'hyla bond.
Under the StarsKirk/Spock. One of my favorite artworks, I just love the style and coloring. And we can here clearly see that Jim has an excellent butt. That’s always good to know!
Away MissionKirk/Spock. Gorgeous kiss scene.
Extracurricular Activity Kirk/Spock. You know what to expect. Green blushes and heavy...learning.
Desert SunKirk/Spock. Sexy Jim, sexy motorbike, sexy Spock. That's all that you can ask for in life.
RecoveryGen Spock. Wonderful colors, love the exposition.
SteamyKirk/Spock. Major UNF.
SurveillanceKirk/Spock in prison. *ehem*
Forehead KissKirk/Spock. Spock is sick, Kirk takes advantage by outrageously kissing his forehead. That lovesick sap perv.
Photo CollectionKirk/Spock. If there’s one thing that Jim can do better than commanding starships, it’s stalking first officers.
Butt PirateKirk/Spock. What can we expect from a picture titled “Butt Pirate”? A fair amount of crossdressing, of course!
BoxersKirk/Spock. Vulcan hand porn! Teddy bear boxershorts! I love the way Spock clings at Jim.
Wish Upon a StarBB!Spock. Cute.
Pon Farr O'ClockKirk/Spock. Too much light effects for my liking, but still beautiful.
FwooshKirk/Spock. Bathtime!
Pride and PrejudiceKirk/Spock. Regency era.
BlindsidedKirk/Spock. Spock is at Kirk's side.
Trial by Fire .
Gen. Here be dragons...
Feline TroubleKirk, Spock. Kirk is a cat, an annoying, Spock-fixated cat! The differences are miniscule.
Slow DanceKirk/Spock. I love how oblivious they are to anything but each other.
Universal ConstantTOS and AOS, love it!
Gentlemen's QuarterlySpock on the cover of GQ? It's logical.
Earth boys are easyKirk/Spock. Various pictures.
art by linus108nicole
TOS Captain KirkAs I’ve mentioned, I have a huge thing for pencil drawings, especially if they are this flawless. See also:
TOS Spock,
TOS McCoy,
TOS Scotty and
Mirror Sulu art by mkb diapason
McCoy/Mirror SpockThis does so many things for me.
Spock/McCoy sketches:
IV Mirror McCoy/SpockI'm melting into a puddle of undefinable goo.
My slaveSo, McCoy is Mirror Spock's slave. The effects are very fitting and the black-red coloring is gorgeous.
Little ScribbleMirror Spock/McCoy.
Mirror, MirrorMirror Spock/Mirror McCoy. Intriguing. I love that the blood drops look like sparks.
Kirk/McCoyCute and adorable.
ST Spock tearsSpock gen. Major angsting.
ST Spock childBeautiful Spock gen. Now with 50 % less angsting.
ST Character age memeSpock through the years.
ST A piece of my EarthLittle Spock helps Amanda with gardening. Cute (and retrospectively sad, though that might be just me).
ST Spock'strulyloveSpock and a cat, a combination made of win!
ST Amanda and SpockWhy is this so sad, seriously. It shouldn't be.
ST Sarek & Amanda*sniff* Cute.
art by applepie1989
Landing Party AttackOT3. Things never go as planned when James T. Kirk is involved.
TrustKirk, Spock. (In my mind, this is a sequel to the previous picture).
Star Trek XISulu, Kirk and Chekov goofing around.
Scotty's RewardMy mind went directly into the gutter after reading the title, but, alas, it's harmless.
Paths CrossedHehe! Academy era crew gen.
Home SnippetKirk, Spock. Black and white. Looks wonderful (and reminds me again that "Home" is still on my reading list!).
art by kleinmeli
Spock/KirkPencil portrait drawing. I'M OBVIOUSLY IN HEAVEN.
Captain FineFLAWLESS.
SylarTechnically this is not Star Trek, but it features Zachary Quinto and pencil drawing, so everyone will deal.
art by kain was here
Holiday DoodlesKirk/McCoy.
Waiting For You To Wake UpKirk/McCoy (or Kirk, McCoy - I'm not sure). The green is not totally working for me, but Bones' expression is so intense and authentic...I love this picture!
L.H. McCoy Frontier DoctorWestern!McCoy.
I like your whipped creamKirk/McCoy. Well. Jim likes the whipped cream.
Karl's ChairKarl Urban, y u so damn fine?
Land and Sea SketchKirk/McCoy. Jim is a mermaid, excuse me, a merman. I love AUs. This is why!
Oh Sweetheart, I missed youMcCoy, Johanna. Bones meets up with his daughter!
He can see DOOM approachingVery expressive Karl Urban sketch.
I Don't Do it for the EmprieMirror McCoy. Evil! Blood! Smirking!
Jim, I'm ColdKirk/McCoy, and an ice cave.
The CadetGorgeous portrait sketch of Kirk!
art by not sleeping
Kirk/McCoyThe moment before the kiss.
Of The HeartKirk/McCoy. Very serene and peaceful, I love the atmosphere.
SickbayKirk/McCoy. Now THAT are sickbay visits I can get behind! (Bones! Unf!)
Wicked by DesignKirk/McCoy. I'm not familiar with the story that this is based on (though it's on my monstrous reading list!), but even without the context I find this picture pretty interesting.
I Serve YouMirror Kirk/Spock. I have no idea what is happening here (again, I’m critically unaware of the context!), but I can tell that I like it. :D
ComfortKirk/Spock, sleeping together (in the non-sexual, yet hugely adorable way).
LoverKirk/Spock, another sleep/cuddle picture.
Olde EnglandKirk/Spock, Victorian make-out session. Features (more and less prominently): Sideburns! Gloves! Faithfulness to ‘fleet uniform colors!
TrystKirk/Spock. Jim is on Spock’s lap (exactly where he belongs).
UntitledKirk/McCoy. Wonderful kiss scene.
art by mixed blessing
Your PainfulnessKirk/Spock and comfort hugging.
Your HeartKirk/Spock. Did I mention that I love pictures set in the academy era?
Morning KissKirk/Spock. Sort of abstract (cubistic, probably?). No matter how you label it, the style works great!
The Search for SpockKirk/Spock. Very expressive.
Star Fleet UniformKirk/Spock. Almost a bit too much manga (for my personal preferences), but in the end there's nothing wrong with legs that go on for days and days.
Don't wake himSigh. This is cuteness overload.
art by is the lurvz
Another one of those daysKirk/Spock. Wonderful kiss scene.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall AOS Kirk and Mirror Spock, a combination made of win.
Get a RoomKirk/Spock. I'm feeling bad for Uhura and at the same time...I find this hilarious and hot (Jim's hair, people, Jim's hair!). One of these illogical earth emotions, no doubt.
art by landersova
Keeping a SecretKirk/Spock. Gorgeous.
FascinatingKirk/Spock. This features everything that is good about the ST fandom, including a tribble.
HealKirk/Spock. Minimalistic perfection! Something about the lines and shadows and overall composition of the picture just works fantastically. Jim's despair is so obvious and Spock is so stiff with surprise and completely unsure how to react (or so I imagine).
art by lenap
Kirk/SpockPlaying 3-D chess! One of my favorite settings.
Kirk/Spock BD presentLove the way Spock leans in ever so slightly.
Kirk/SpockCute black and white drawing.
Smell and TouchVery nice sketch.
Listen thoughtsKirk/Spock. Intensely intimate.
Kirk/Spock illustrationKirk/Spock. Made of ten thousand degrees of win! I love the intensity! This looks like the chess equivalent of a death match.
art by dazlious pheasant
Because the NightKirk/Spock. A kiss…with an absolutely dreamlike quality.
Drifting Down the Z AxisKirk/Spock. The tent scenario! Such a beloved classic.
AcceptanceKirk/Spock. I’m usually not a fan of manga-inspired fetus position pics, but this one nearly kills me. In a good way!
FORBIDAngsting Spock! Oh my god, this is unbelievable. Unbelievable.
SPACHIs this…Johann Sebastian Spach? Yes, it is!
Cosmic LoveKirk/Spock. Ethereal.
art by nunar
Keep on feelingKirk/Spock. Not sure if Spock’s green blush is due to the snow or Jim Kirk lying under him. Come to think of it, I’m fairly sure it doesn’t matter.
Happy New Year 2011Kirk/Spock. This features Confused!Spock and Twink!Jim.
In the darkness with youKirk/Spock. Have you had your obligatory dose of Vulcan angst today?
patiently patientlyKirk, Spock and a heavy reddish tint.
GQ Shore LeaveKirk, Spock. Let me introduce you to two wonderful gentlemen…
BB Be MineKirk/Spock. Kirk is goofing around, Spock is having his first base covered.
Team AwesomeWell, OBVIOUSLY OT3.
That's more like itMore of these BAMFs!
GailaGaila is her own category of awesomeness. It is known!
This is how we are, but not how we're going to beKirk/Spock. The emotions are perfectly captured.
Got your back, broKirk/Spock. Cute.
art by iscalox
Boys De-aged Kirk/Spock gen. Love the coloring.
TOS Spirk Vulcan FriendshipAwwwwwww. :D
MeldingKirk/Spock. Extremely beautiful.
Vulcan Sexual Behavior Kirk/Spock. Hilarious!
IDIC SupporterKirk/Spock. Cute!
Mirror, mirrorKirk/Spock. Expressive and fluid.
Mind MeldKirk/Spock. Gorgeous.
First ContactThis will probably make your jaw drop. It’s absolutely gorgeous and strange. OT3 in the Wonderland.
Alternative Universes are Universally AlternativeTHIS ONE HAS CTHULU-SPOCK! NOW MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!
Fish out of My DreamsKirk/Spock. What the hell? iscalox has the creepy/beautiful thing really down!
Spirk the AU version…as I previously said.
What Do You Know About Cats, Spock?Kirk/Spock. Wow! Surreal and reminiscent of Dalí.
art by shizuke
Spock Vision Kirk/Spock. Spock sees Jim in a different way than anyone else. And that is a very positive thing!
This is Not What It Looks Like Kirk/Spock. Bones is traumatized, everyone else is happy.
Spock Has a Dolly ...and it's adorable!
Reboot Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura. Gorgeous. Looks like an epic movie poster.
Various artists
Quite Blind by ItanHimitsu
Amazing black and white Spock drawing!
Faith by ItanHimitsu
Kirk/Spock. The angst and hurt and tension...absolutely exquisite.
Come Here Often by MedicatedManiac
Kirk/Spock. Love the style. Damn, it's so easy envisioning that scene.
Sarek and Amanda share a kiss by Kyuketsuki Vain
Wonderful sketch.
Jim Kirk Sucking his Thumb by NekoHellAngel
Bonus points for Disturbed!Bones.
Medication by chingc
Kirk/McCoy. Never has forced medication been more romantic!
ST draft by chingc
Can Spock please wear glasses all the time? whimper
Chris-Pine by tylerash000's babyface Pine!
Slow Burn by kara-lijia
Spock/Uhura. I’m recing het. This means hell froze over.
All Mine by kara-lijia
Spock/Uhura. But they look good together!
Carelessly close by olozhika
Kirk/Spock. Minimalistic and hot.
neutron stars lightless dark by olozhika
Kirk/Spock. Sad and pretty amazing.
Karl Urban by bullethead
Karl Urban IN A BATHTUB. THIS IS MORE THAN I CAN HANDLE. THIS IS MORE THAN ANYONE CAN HANDLE. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in my bunk.
Pon Farr FML by taconaco
Spock/McCoy. snort Poor Bones…
McCoy Eats Lunch Alone FML by taconaco
Wow, that’s just depressing!
Lt Nyota Uhura by l-a-shill
Digital Uhura portrait. Beautiful.
Sigma Nox Survival by mai raven
Spock. Awesome picture for an awesome story.
Boldly Go by ladycala
Kirk, Spock, Uhura. Being awesome as usual.
Beware Sulu's Plants by galacticdustbunnies
Sulu/Chekov. So that’s how Sulu gets dates. I knew that botany hobby wasn’t as innocent as it seemed…
Dark Reflections and
Dark-Reflections-Portraits by leyna
Kirk, McCoy, Chekov. Totally stunning!
Collaberations from artists
Hotel Paradiso XXIV and Health Club, Room 1701 by
latenightarting and
jouKirk/Spock. Wonderful scene, full of tension, love the style.
Random fun fact: This vid list is about as inconclusive as a list can get, because lots of videos are blocked / not accessible in my country (raaage).
The Test by
heresluck This is probably the most amazing K/S fanvid I have ever seen. The premise has been done lots of times, but never as good. Click it. You know you want to.
☆ Running Up That Hill by
gin1119 (TOS)
Click to view
Kirk is in love with Spock, and wants to help him through pon farr.
However, Spock is having a hard time believing that Kirk isn't just trying to sacrifice himself for his friend.
Will Kirk manage to knock some sense into Spock?
Classically beautiful.
☆ Kiss Mr. Spock by
gin1119 (TOS)
Click to view
This is what happens when you find crack not cracky enough.
Accordingly, I'm a huge fan. Dying at Bones, DYING!
☆ You'll Pull Through by Kerinati (TOS!Spock/Reboot!Kirk)
Click to view
I have such a soft spot for this pairing...the editing is wonderful, by the way!
☆ Hot Mess [Kirk/Spock/Bones] by
ChildeAtHeart17 (Reboot)
Click to view
You were a problem child and grounded your whole life...
Fast, dynamic, utterly irresistible.
☆ Another Place and Time by
MorraMorgenstern (Reboot)
Click to view
Fantastic, intense, original AU vid. Differs greatly from most Reboot vids (in its premise). I wish there was a story to go along with it.
This is entertainment by
MorraMorgenstern (Mirror Universe/Reboot)
Click to view
Features Mirror!Spock and Reboot!Kirk. Also, BDSM elements. Not safe for work (unless you work in a dungeon).
Spock is ultrahot in this.
Spock's Down on his Knees (K/S) by
Miss Sheenie Click to view
Very short and extremely ridiculous. I love it.
NEW Send me a sign (K/S) by
SevernySneg Click to view
A bit flash-heavy, but otherwise very nicely edited.
☆ NEW Kirks & Spocks: Static by
indrikhole Click to view
This is simply amazing; TOS and AOS are blended together with so much ease. It’s very Spock Prime - centric. Breathless, sad, full of hope and despair…(I love it. So much feelings. And how is it possible that both universes are portrayed as completely symmetrical and divergent at the same time? This is witchcraft).
The TOS backrub scene (by
ImaginarySanity). Yes, THE backrub scene.
Click to view
This is both hilarious and absolutely WTF, because no way in heaven or hell can this be interpreted as something other than slash. Try to, if you're so inclined. :D
Memorable K/S Moments (1) by
spookyfbi8 (TOS)
Click to view
"I need him." Nuff' said..
Memorable K/S Moments (2) by
spookyfbi8 (TOS)
Click to view
Memorable K/S Moments (3) by
spookyfbi8 (TOS)
Click to view