Saturday finally ended the saga of Getting Sarah's Car from New Jersey. omg. I nearly died 17 times ( I counted). Suffice to say it included getting up at 5 am, random power outages, frantically searching for Port Authority, stinky buses, and nearly getting shot by a taxi driver whom I refused to pay in full because he took me on an impromptu hour and a half tour of Linden, New Jersey. However, I do have a car, an new pair of shoes, and a deep and abiding hatred for the Garden State. I think I'd sooner drive someone to Seattle than Newark.
And because I don't feel like reading Organic, here's
1. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't clear the remaining time off the mircowave. Like when you come in and it says :43. I can't stand it. No I don't know why.
2. I get really attached to routes. Like if I walk a certain way to a certain building, I always have to walk that way. OCD much?
3. When I was little I had a reccuring dream about a giant guinea pig biting off my hand. Scary.
4. Speaking of scary rodents, the Rodents of Unusual Size in The Princess Bride scared the crap out of me when I was about 5. I'd have to cover my eyes watching it.
5. I tend to listen to a song/CD over and over again until I get sick of it.
6. I hate not having things planned out ahead of time. Flakiness bothers me muchly.
7. I have a tendency to sign up for more things than I can actually do and then freak out, shut down, and not do any of them.
8. I really want to go to this museum in Philly that has the largest collection of human mutations in the world.
9. I am very bad a judging when people actually want to talk to me and when they're just being polite.
10. It totally made my day the other day when my friend told me I was like having another sister just down the hall.
11. There are lots of things that other people like that I just can't get all that excited about, including but not limited to: root beer, caramel, U2, cheep beer, and Coldplay
12. I generally get along better with people 5 years younger or older than myself.
13. When I talk to people I don't feel comfortable around (ie everyone) my ears turn red
14. Unless I'm explicitly invited to something, I'll assume I'm not wanted. Yes I realize this is dumb, it doesn't change anything.
15. I like the words "indeed", "fascinating", and "lipid".
16. It freaks me out that people I know are getting married. Scares the SHIT out of me.
17. I once named a spider outside my window "Cousin Moe" for no apparent reason.
18. I can't sit crosslegged. I got a Yoga video and could do everything else, but not sit crosslegged. It's very sad.
19. When I'm bored or distracted I play with my hair or ears
20. When I'm bored in class I attempt to take my notes in a combination of Spanish and German. It usually comes out pretty incomprehensible.